Character Name, Class, and Main Speceppershaker, shaman, enhance Applying for position: Raider Armory Link: 1. Talent Spec (List any dual specs or explain situational talent picks): Currently I am 16/55/0. Offspec is changing back between resto and pvp enhance based on if I need to heal or not. 2. Professions and how they help your raid performance: mining/JC, mining is very important as enhance because of the fact that enhance shammys have the lowest base HP in the game, and JCing gems are getting a big big boost in 3.2 3. Time played in WoW and PvE achievements: I've been playing since the game came out off and on so I’m not really sure on the dates and time span. I'm going to list the different places I have been when they were new: Vwow :MC,AQ20,ZG, and many deaths to razor BC:Kara, and the start of SCC/KT LK: OS 10/25, NAXX 10/25 uldar 10(12/14) uldar 25(hodir and thorim and everything lower) 4. PvP influences and impact on raiding: PVP Helps me become a bit of a better player in its core, catching interrupts, controlling the wolfs a bit better, and catching people with the frog. 5. Age (18 is required with limited exceptions): 22 at the end of July. 6. Location and living arrangement (wife, children, dorm, etc): Currently living in an apartment with two more people from school in Oakville Ontario Canada. 7. Occupation outside of WoW and any scheduling issues it creates: Currently I am a student and all classes end at 6pm my time but right now its summer so there are no classes. 8. Your old/current guild and why you are leaving them (Include old guild's name or we could think you've joined them and dismiss your app): I Was in Death or Glory till it joined with impact which is where I am now. The reason I’m leaving impact is because we haven’t killed or seen Thorim for over four weeks and I don’t play this game to carry people. 9. How did you hear about Xen; list any references within the guild: Limes been trying to get me to app and now I am. 10. List consumables you carry to raid to include food when a fish feast isn't provided: Flask of Endless rage, fish feast > Dalaran clam chowder. I also keep a stack of Speed potions on me, I may switch to the haste food come 3.2 due to the fact I will have almost no haste on the t9 gear. 11. What conflicts do you have with our raid schedule listed above? None at all. 12. Submit a damage/healing meter or WWS link. (If one is not available, explain why): 13. Provide a UI screenshot inside a raid (If one is not available, explain why): I'm about to format my computer and REDO my UI. If requested of me I can get a screen cap hosted somewhere and post it on here. I run addons like shockandawe, omen, xpearl, bartender, DBM. 14. Final comments you feel could help your application: I’ve been playing this game since it came out, I go to EJ a lot to check up on changes that happen and somewhat do a little bit of theory crafting, I listen to instructions well as they’re given and I look up all the boss fights on my own, even when I’m not playing I try to keep myself on the up and coming of this game.
Pros: Timely, Dedicated, Theorycrafts, Good DPS (just needs more gears), Listens Well, Performs Well, Doesn't bitch about healing, all around nice guy Cons: Associates with Limegreen
I did a UI screenshot of what it currently looks like with a DPS test with recount.
That's a shammy only mod meant just for enhance called shock and awe, it would of been better if I got a in combat Screencap because it also shows a graphic telling you what you should cast next with counters for my maelstrom, on the side were you can see the blue bar is for shields saying how many are left and how long they have left, it also shows the internal CD of WF procs and bars for my shock, LL, SS. A link: I've been trying to break the habit of that actually recently, I know I'm apping to a higher level of player ability here, and thus need to bring my own game up.
My rotation is tied to mouse buttons, my oh shit buttons to keys on the keyboard, and all my (three) rotation CDs, I CLICK MWHAHAHA
A slight note, right now I'm using my laptop to play due to the fact my parents PC died and I lent them mine for a bit, soon my PC's going to be coming back alongside my G7 and G15 so my binds are going to be a lot different. I enjoy that keyboard a lot more then I do my laptop one I do usually sit around 4.7-5k dps on Ignus but my old WWS expired so I can't host them.
i totally read "using my laptop cause my parents died" and it took me a second... we've been getting a decent push of members recently, so please be patient as we transition people in an out of the raid