Some of you may be wondering where I have gone over the past month or two. Well, with school wrapping up for me, I've been focusing on things more important than XoO. However - recently I've started down a bit of a darker road than I would prefer to be on. My life is just fucked up right now, and with so many plans for myself over the next few months to come, I need to start getting a lot of my shit in order. I'm done with school at the end of this month, and I will be moving back home for a little while while I sort some things out and plan a move to British Columbia. I just wanted to explain where I have been and where I will be going. I'll still be around the forums from time to time, and maybe bring some big gaming news to the boards if I find it, but I need to find a lot of answers before I come back full time. Best of luck, XoO.