Guild Wars 2 ApplicationHow old are you? 40 In-Game Name? Pannama Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic? Yes What is your prefered playstyle? PvP What kinds of activities are you interested in? I prefer pvp but will pve to get the gear i need / want for pvp...I am looking for a good grp of peeps that like to kick enemy's ass and slay anything before us Previous Gaming Experience: Counter Strike , DAoC, WoW , GW2 Why did you choose XoO: A few friends split off from our guild and have been looking for a good grp to absorb us. Why do you think you'll be a good fit? I am a good Indian...dont want to be chief ...i can fallow directions and kick ass You are only as good as the guy your standing next too and i have a good feeling about you guys Localization: NA Do you have a referral? Dethwar A little bit about yourself? I am an IC mask designer and work from home which gives me a lot of time to spend in wvw and i enjoy killing 15 yr olds toons across the country Activity level? I tend to play everyday if the wvw is good Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer? Yes Have you applied to the GW2 usergroup? No
Ill be sending you a private message to arrange for an interview. Please make sure you have read over our Code of Conduct and requirement to only represent XoO in game prior to the interview.
Pannama, I have yet to hear back from you since I sent the PM. Please let me know if you are still interested.