WoW One's Application

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by One, Dec 22, 2016.

  1. One

    Dec 21, 2016
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    What is your name, age, and battle tag?:
    Tell us a bit about yourself.:
    I play a Shaman, Been a shaman main since I started playing in Cata, Did my CMs back in MoP, WoD was a poor xpac for me though, I wasn't able to do much with crap internet.
    What is your character's name?:
    What class and specialization(s) are you applying as?:
    Restoration Shaman, Elemental Shaman
    Have you read what the expectations are for joining us?:
    Link your armory page.:
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a working microphone?:
    Can you make raid nights on consistent and reliable basis?:
    Can your computer handle 20+ raid settings without any problems?:
    Can you explain how you get information about your class and theory crafting and / or list any tools or guides you use to optimize your character?:
    Icy-veins, warcraft forums occasionally there's a theorycraft going on aside from all the bickering about how we're the bastard child of Metzen and Thrall.
    Link a recent log of a raid you participated in.:
    Provide a link to a picture of your UI while in combat with a raid boss.:
    Recount your previous guilds that you were a core raider in (up to the last 3) and your reasons for leaving?:
    Steam rollin

    was in it for a few weeks before it ended up disbanding, but we did heroic EN, and repeatedly wiped on Mythic nythendra for a while before it happened.
    Summarize your raiding experience.:
    Heroic in SoO, Internet went shit during WoD, It recently got better a few months ago, I joined Steam rollin, it fell apart, joined Kitty cat cuddle club, did the occasional EN run with some pugs, wiped on mythic nythendra alot, Heroic EN.
    What are you looking for from XoO, and from a guild in general?:
    A place where I can finally start doing some higher end raiding, and a place to hang out.
    Do you know anyone in the guild that can vouch for you?:
    Any final comments, thoughts, concerns, or bad puns?:
    Friday is closer to Monday than Monday is to Friday.

    I believe that is my only thought at the moment.
  2. DoctÕre

    Jun 11, 2015
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    DeLand, FL
    Hey Jack,
    Thanks for the app man! Just lookin' through your logs a bit and over the course of the night (not gonna get too specific or anything like that XD) you seem to have performed a good bit lower in HPS than the rest of the healers in the raid. While HPS isn't exactly the biggest measure of a healer's ability I did take a look at your spells cast over the course of the night and it seemed a bit off to me so when I compared it to a resto shaman I know is hell of a healer I noticed a few adjustments you may want to make.
    • You used Riptide more than any other spell, and while you do want to have that out ticking most of the time on tanks and high damage targets that probably shouldn't be the cast quite as much as you had been.
    • You casts of healing wave seemed pretty good, a bit lower than they should have been but still pretty good. However Healing Surge is one of those abilities that is an "Oh shit, I need to use this to get the tank up NOW" but you used it so frequently that it was actually probably hurting your healing more than helping particularly with a holy priest and holy paladin in there who can do what healing surge does but better and cheaper.
    • The true beauty behind raid healing as a resto is that, healing the raid. Shamans are equipped with 2 things that allow them to do that better than most: chain heal and totems. Your chain healing is super low. In a raid environment that should probably be your biggest healing done, by using that you'll increase your healing output and if I recall correctly it is only a bit more expensive than Healing Surge but hits multiple targets. I would highly suggest redirecting some of the healing surge spam to chain heal. And for part two, totems. Your totem usage seemed pretty decent, you probably could have thrown out more HTT's to smooth out high damage points a bit more but your usage of HST and SLT both look solid.
    • Finally resto shamans and druids are pretty similar in that they both want to keep pretty high uptime on their ground placed heals when a good chunk of the group can benefit (healing rain and efflorescence) and while you seem to have maintained decent uptime I feel like you could have probably milked more HPS out of the fights especially with how many melee the raid had by just keeping HR on the boss a good chunk of the time.
    So I didn't mean for that to get all analytical, but those were just a few things I noticed. Resto shamans are incredible raid healers when they learn to maximize use of HR, Totems, and chain heal especially when paired with strong single target healers like paladins your duty is more of throwing out localized aoe heals to reduce the necessity of large mana consuming heals like healing surge.

    Anyways, I'm just a dumb arms warrior so I'm sorry for going all log analyst on ya XD. I think you have a lot of room to improve and grow and hopefully XoO can become a place you can make home and grow into a mythic raider :). One of the officers should get back to you in the morning, have a good night man!

    P.S. That final comment almost made me sad and then I remembered I'm on winter break and don't have shit to do on Monday <_<;;
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2016
  3. DoctÕre

    Jun 11, 2015
    Likes Received:
    DeLand, FL
    Also I realized I said some stuff incorrectly due to how long it's been since I actually played resto shaman so I had to edit :p.
    During that time I gained a few more questions regarding talents: why didn't you run Cloudburst Totem or High Tide? Cloudburst is by far a stronger raid talent and High Tide goes with a more chain heal centric shaman play style however that is also the talent and play style that nets the highest throughput raid heals. Adjusting those talents and getting used to that type of play style would probably net a far higher parse and make you more competitive in terms of healing.

    Alright I'm done commenting for the night XD.
  4. Kris

    Feb 8, 2016
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    Hey Jack!

    Thanks for putting the app in. Docz basically covered the mechanical questions I had, so lets move on to some other things I noticed.

    Your UI
    • How can you effectively heal when the raid frames are on the left, not stacked in any order, and how do you heal (aka clique, mouseovers)?
    • Do you use any addons at all? I know its a worldboss, but if I'm not mistaken DBM has a world boss module so there should be bars there, if not, lets make sure you have DBM. You almost can't raid without it these days.
    • Also I don't see any damage/healing logs. I use Details, not so much for the healing/damage logs but for other information like damage taken, dispell counts, etc.
    • In addition to the above, we also have some other required addons for raiding: EPGP Lootmaster, Weakauras, Exorsus, and Angry Assignments.
    If you need some help setting up whatever kind of UI improvements, feel free to hit me up and I can walk you through whatever. I personally use ElvUI and mouseover macros. Keeps it fairly simple and easy to use, plus if ElvUi ever breaks on a patch, I can still heal through the standard frames with the mouseover macros and be good to go.

    Try to process this info we've given, and put in some solid work and we will consider a trial at that point. Grab the addons, get them set up, learn them, and we will bring you into one of our heroic runs and see how you do. If you could, post a new screenshot in this forum when you have those set up to let me know you have them ready to go. Thanks!

  5. One

    Dec 21, 2016
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    I got weak auras, and I messed around with my talents, it oughta be better now than it was, the only issue I've had so far is that ElvUI just feels disorienting, and I was unable to find Angry assignments.