Darkfall is upon us and it's certain to be a pretty big game for us. The meeting is in a few days. Kyoji as the organizer has requested anyone who is interested in the CO position to PM me. So far nobody has sent any PM. If you are interested in the CO position, or any other officer position please answer the questions within so we can begin organizing. 1. What position are you interested in? 2.) What would be the focus of your position? 3.) What is your gaming activity? 4.) What would the guild/Division Structure be? 5.) Recruitment: Who would you recruit? How would you recruit? How many people would be most effective? What is your opinion on 'elitism' and how it works with your vision? 6.) How well do you get along with others? Do you find that you are someone people consider a leader? Do you find yourself to be diplomatic? 7.) Will you commit to weekly organized events? 8.) What makes you the right person for the job? 9.) Do you have any previous leadership experience? If so, What? 10.) What is your favorite soup?
(any and all requests for leadership are to be posted in this thread) 1. What position are you interested in? - CO 2.) What would be the focus of your position? - Managing division operations and its fluidity. Maintaining guld health and conflict resolution. Basically if people have a problem they come to me, if they have an idea they can come to me. I will be tasked with keeping the peace between people, groups, styles, and personalities as well as doing my part to encourage others to help the guild - incite activity and usefulness. People should want to do something because I asked, not because I am asking them. 3.) What is your gaming activity? - The most active? If there is someone more active than I then I am a chocolate cupcake. No, but seriously, I am very active. I generally play everyday for at least 5-8 hours a day. 4.) What would the guild/Division Structure be? - CO/XO, anything else TBD However, I have thrown up a few ideas including that of CO/XO format by itself and simply adding a community officer to maintain new recruits and community organization (incuding managing mercenary guilds), a crafting officer to maintain all of the city building, resource gathering, and gear distribution, and event coordinator which will oversee events, pve and pvp activities. Due to the concept that I plan on running an "open" system to which input from every member is valued and discussion of progress can be maintained I do not want to flood the division with an excess of leadership positions. Applying for such positions will be very demanding and strictly reserved for active, dedicated, and members that know how to do thier job. Obviously prior experience will also take a part in such a thing such as longevity (within XoO) and priot leadership experience or experience with such concepts. The XO, which was not discussed with be the proxy CO when offline and will be delgating tasks to the other officers. Application for this will be very demanding. Officers and leadership will be required to be active, unless they have an excuse (getting married, going out of town, etc) or they will be removed. Period. Still debating on whether allowing each officer a sub-officer to use in replacement and to help with the tasks prsented to them is a good idea. Again, I do not want to load the division down with un-needed positions and goal is to mind the minimum number of people to operate the tasks needed. I am also thinking of a grouping system to group specific players into specific groups. This will NOT be the "awesome group" and the "crap group" but, groups dedicated to thier jobs. Some may have special traits that work best such as infiltration parties - infiltration/sneak attacks/information gathering, frontal assaults - knowing how to stay alive as well as being the bread and butter for the attacking force/ will be intertwined with support classes as well as attack classes, etc. I am debating on how to set this all up, however, I was thinking groups of 4 or so that each will determine thier leader for that group, subject to approval, and will coordinate thier efforts. To discourage "cliques" I will limit the number of vent channels we use as well as maintain a healthy event roster to keep everyone in touch with each other. Even if you do not raid/pvp together all the time you will be in the ssame channel and should see them at least once a week if not more. Also, these groups will only be utilized during pvp/pve events and not during random pvp/pve play or the other events I listed. 5.) Recruitment: Who would you recruit? How would you recruit? How many people would be most effective? What is your opinion on 'elitism' and how it works with your vision? - Recruiting would be focused on gathering active pvp players and off of DFO forums as well as throwing our name out in similar games such as MO and Earthrise. The most effective number of people is unknown due to the limited knowledge of the game, however, with what we do know we can predict somewhere between 80-120 people would be optimal. Elitism is a variation of "hardcore" (to which there are two parts: activity and saftey or lack there of) that is predominant in hardcore games due to the fact they are still hardcore players, however, while winning or succeeding they often feel they are the best and everyone that isn't an elite is not up to thier level. Elitism is a general idea used to show the more "cocky" and frequent;y dubbed "asshats" of gaming society. In truth, the fact is they are generally are apart of the hardcore so they are often above average players or some times good players, however, tend to cause problems due to their cocky attitude and demeanor. To balance this I will allow focus on grabbing first and foremost, hardcore types of players to form a core base to run off, then will grab the less hardcore and more casual playerbase to support the heart of our warmachine, and lastly will be very keen on elite players and will discourage them from entering the guild. Of course since there is no way to know who is hardcore, casual and elite I plan on using systems to manage such things. Examples I have been thinking of include minimum playtime requirement for new recruits to pickup active players, the playtime requirement is subjective and not an actual number and will be based on member accounts to which leads me to the next idea. Feedback from members through either a system like HG:L where members can comment on a new recruit in a thread or perhaps a voting system to mask people from having to step up and call a new recruit out (obviously hidden from the recruit until they are accepted, then it is deleted upon acceptance), or a system to which a new recruit must have a sponsor or multiple sponsors to be an accepted member. Obviously the way recruiting is done will be dynamic and will change during the course of division growth or atrophe, however, have not made any commitments to any of these as of yet. 6.) How well do you get along with others? Do you find that you are someone people consider a leader? Do you find yourself to be diplomatic? - When I am in a position which requires diplomacy then I tend to get along well with people. I feel many consider me a leadership figure due to my aggressive nature and ability to get things done and rally the troops as it were. People would consider me more along the lines of Paton than Churchill. Of course balancing the needs of various personalities and play styles is very important so I am confident that I can look at things objectively and fairly. Also, most people I know interested in the game actually want me to be the division leader. 7.) Will you commit to weekly organized events? - I will try my best to organize events often to keep people entertained and online. Such things as raiding events - where we go out and slaughter people for fun, dueling events - where we can practice for fun and rewards, gathering events - helping out the guild buy gathering resources is also important for a stable and healthy guild, raiding - even if you do not like to pve or pvp there is something for everyone and we will be doing weekly or bi-weekly raiding (if possible) of the 6 demigods as well as other pve dungeons in the game, gear runs - will be the epitome of running around and killing people taking thier gear and/or resources to fuel the guild and will be done by at least a few members frequently and on a guild basis every so often, theatrical events (fraps for publicity - youtube anyone?), gambling - using duels and 3v3's etc for betting purposes for the heck of it, and much more. 8.) What makes you the right person for the job? - I would have to say activity, or the ability to be online long enough to maintain leadership duties such as conflict resolution, recruiting, decision making, etc. Loyalty, that is my dedication for the game, the guild as shown through my graphical prowess and posting/playing. Dedication, as shown from my constant updating for the game, continually supporting and gaining interest for the game as well as posting multiple articles, of which are very time consuming. Lastly, general interest for the game; I have shown some of the most, if not the most, interest for the game than anyone within recent months. Also, I am very open with what I am looking for. I think people will enjoy having a voice in the guild, even if they are not leadership, which is why I will scehdule meetings and discuss guild progress and handling to get multiple viewpoints from every member within the division and not be secluded to my own thoughts or my division leaders (XO/officers) thoughts. 9.) Do you have any previous leadership experience? If so, What? - In Xen I was AoC Officer. However, the division went at a slower pace then I had hoped and in the end we did not have the numbers in the higher level range to protect out own guildies and got spawn camped and ganked into oblivion. A mistake to which was found out later. Once Malkavain resigned, I was booted by Denton for disagreeing with his opinions on how to run the guild - he wanted someone to wag their tail and agree, useless for a round-table of sorts position. - I have lead many guilds in the past including PvP commander for CoX to which we were ranked #2 doing 16v16 battles, 1v1, and 6v6. - I have run my own website, started from scratch, which attained a vast amount of members and popularity. This provides great amount of influence among people (getting people to help you or do what you ask is very useful) as well as the time and dedication to maintain it, advertise, develop graphics, and think of savy buisiness solutions to stay ahead of the curve from the other websites. 10.) What is your favorite soup? - I feel uncomfortable discussing such a private matter. I will however say that I once had a relationship with your dog. It didn't last. =( all of my ideas can be found here http://www.xoohq.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5254