Norefund Ele Shaman

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by Neptuno, May 16, 2009.

  1. Neptuno

    Sep 14, 2008
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    Watching over 150 nukes sitting in the ground
    Applying for position as raider (probate)
    Armory Link:

    1. Discuss your spec(s); did you pick up something outside of normal theorycrafting or have a dual talent spec?

    I am an elemental shaman. I read up on the most efficient builds, so I guess I don't go outside of theorycrafting. As for duel spec, I have an elemental pvp set. I'd respec though if needed.

    2. Do you have offspec sets to complement dual spec assignments or even just a trinket change for certain encounters? What stats do you have different for these sets.

    I have a good ammount of enhance gear. Not much resto gear though.

    3. Professions: Do you have raid enhancing professions or gathering ones? What does your profession provide you for raid utility? (Max professions are an important boost to raiding)

    Enchanting/Alchemy both 450, as well as cooking and fishing at 450. It was a tossup for me between enchanting and jc. I kind of regret not going jc, just to have the flexibility to place the gems where I need to gain the bonus, but I'm fine with enchanting. I chose alchemy because my alt is herb/inscription, so I used that to farm the herbs needed to level up alchemy. I have all northrend recipes but +81 sp to 2h weapon, and the ulduar recipes.

    4. How long have you played WoW? List your raiding accomplishments and time played. Raid Experience on "old Mains" included.

    I played a rogue as my first character when the game came out. I shortly quit after 60 because it was a nightmare to find groups being the most popular class. I played an alliance warlock about a year later and got that to 60. I stopped playing that right before bc came out. I've cleared mc and bwl on that toon. I never played bc, but when wotlk came out I began playing again, and leveled a dk to 80, then a shaman to 80, which is what I use now. I have almost 40 played days on my shaman at the moment. Between all of my characters, I probably have close to 200 played days, if not more. As far as wotlk experience goes, I've cleared everything but 3 drake os, and for ulduar, I've got up to mimiron for 10 man. 25 man I've only cleared 4, but that's the reason I want to leave my guild.

    5. How much do you PvP? Is it a priority of your time playing?

    I started pvping about 2 or 3 weeks ago. Already at 850 resilience. It's fun from time to time, but PVE is where it's at for me. PVE will always have priority for me.

    6. How old are you? Maturity and dedication are of utmost importance. 18 is required with limited exceptions. jk, I'll be 25 tomorrow.

    7. Where do you live (state/country) and what is the living arrangement (wife, children, dorm, etc)?

    Florida. single, no kids, live at home. In school right now to become a firefighter.

    8. Current occupation (outside of WoW)? What kind of hours do you put in?

    Got laid off, which brought me back to school

    9. What guild and/or server are you coming from and why? What do you expect Xen of Onslaught to provide better? (Make sure to include your old guild or we could confuse it with a guild you have joined).

    My first raiding guild was Fallen Angels of Illidan. They sort of spun off into Death or Glory, which didn't last too long. The better majority of that guild was absorbed into my current guild Impact. This guild is now falling apart, with more and more people gquitting everyday, so I'm at the end of the road with them.

    10. How did you hear about Xen? List any personal references within the guild and expect them to asked about your raiding ability or confirmation of for friend rank.

    Limegreen, whom I've been guildmates with for a while just joined you guys, and he told me about your guild, so I'm interested.

    11. <Xen of Onslaught> strives to maintain a top end raid progression. What and how many consumables do you plan to have in preparation for each raid? Specific amounts and types preferred.

    I'm an alchemist, do I need to answer this :p I have 40 Frost wyrm flasks sitting in my bank, and 20 in my inventory. I also have plenty of wild potions available when burst dmg is necessary such as razorscale when he lands. Normally when I pop my cooldowns, bloodlust, and a wild potion, I can do well over 6.5k dmg.

    12. Our raid schedule can include Monday-Thursday from 7:00-11:00 PM CST (Sargeras Server time) with the occasional Sunday raid for progression (and sometimes skipping Tuesdays for farmed content or patch days). What would be your most likely scheduling conflict if any?

    I have classes monday and wed till 8 EST (7 server), so I'd be at most a half hour late for those days, and tue/thur i have class till 7 (6 server). Sunday im clear.

    13. Please list any thoughts or concerns you have on the Raid Policy as upon completing this application you will be assumed to understand and agree with them unless stated here. We are always open to considering new ways of doing things.

    Looks self explanatory, the only concern I would have is if you wouldn't mind me showing up slightly late monday and wed.

    14. All classes and specs should submit a wws or screenshot of a damage meter (a 2nd shot of your personal breakdown of attacks is also helpful as it shows your rotation) for dps, tps, and hps. We keep wws reports for 1 month and will use them as a last resort to determine how to help people improve. If one is not available, explain why.

    You spoke with me last night, you said you saw my wws. For my rotation, I just recently hit over 500 haste which is essential for my rotation of flame shock>lava burst, lightning boltx4, lava burst, lightning bolt x3, re apply flame shock. Rinse and repeat. This is for single target bosses. If there are multiple enemies, I'd throw chain lightning into the rotation and use that whenever the cd is up, and may drop a magma totem if there are 4 or more mobs normally.

    15. Provide a picture of your UI, preferably in Raid combat(at least in a 10-man) and a list addons that you use, so we know you can see those big colored rings of death appearing below your feet.

    That's all I have for now being I'm not in a raid.

    Raid Addons:

    I have grid too buts i dont use it right now.

    16. You are done unless you have any final comments to help out your application.

    I am a nice guy, and I can take jokes as well as dish them out when the timing is right, but I also know how to get serious when it's needed. I'm a dedicated player, and very much hope I can help you guys progress, and I hope you give me a chance to progress with you. I'm not gonna boast about my dps, but generally in my guild, I'm always ranging between #1 to #5 dps in the raids. I know my class, and I can help others if needed. If you guys want me to heal, so be it. I don't have much healing gear at the moment, but I will work on getting a set if thats what you want. If you have any further questions, dont be afraid to shoot me a msg in game. Thanks and hope to hear from ya soon!

    Posted from PM's sent to me
  2. Neptuno

    Sep 14, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Watching over 150 nukes sitting in the ground
    accepted, but i will be gone till tuesday. please direct an officer to this topic and we'll get you invited hopefully for tuesday's raid
  3. Ologhai

    Jun 23, 2008
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    I'll be out of game with a continued power supply failure. Look for Skullmasher, Brozo, Gorchild, Kelad, PM someone to find an officer alt for you, or PM someone to ask and see if anyone can log onto my character to invite you. Welcome