How old are you: 44In-Game Name: NineFingersDo you have TS3 and a working mic: YesPrevious Gaming Experience: Star Wars Galaxies (second person on my server to acquire a jedi), Quake3, WoW, Dota2, HotS, Diablo3What will be your main focus in game: PvEHow commited are you to guild development: More of a line member in guilds, but I do my best to put the guild before my own interestsWhat class/role will you take up in game: Rogue/Melee Dps now, possibly might range dps laterWhat is your playtime and timezone: EST, I can PvE and craft from work and evenings I can add PvP with TS3 at home. In a pinch for a guild war, I can turn TS3 on at work but still no mic.
I might have left the game by then. I sold my jedi after playing him for a while. It was fun when they were rare but when everyone had one, it just wasn't the same.