niedre's Application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by niedre, Apr 6, 2011.

  1. niedre

    RIFT Application
    How old are you?
    In-Game Name?
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic?
    What is your primary archetype?
    Why did you choose XoO:
    I was recruited to the game itself by dabosh and he wanted me to join XoO strait away after trying the 4day trial but i wanted first to reach atleast more then halfway to maximal level
    Previous Gaming Experience:
    My online gaming started with Cs a long time a go, then i went to css at 2006 and after that i started WoW on 2007ish i played it till december 2010 with some brakes in cata i reached 85 on my paladin and having some game isues no GM or web forms could help solve ( basicly when i entered instance i was on laggadrome2000 and that if my game didnt disconnect after which i could log on only after 30 mins or so) and now since april 1 im rift player.

    In WoW i started raiding when i was 16 or so and was irresponsible to raid members which ended up notshowing on raids when promised etc after which i took a brake from raiding. when wotlk hit i joined guil called Saluti mortem with it i raided OS+3d as when it was top content and ulduar after that guild started having some issues with each other cuz of office drama aka our officer was romanticly involved with our top healer and it ended up badly not only irl but same in guild. On top of that i had grown tired of the game cuz i was taking it too hard core which resulted in a brake for couple of months. After that i tryed several other guilds but none of them felt like home. After that i played some league of legends. Now its a difrent game and i want to find a new home for me.
    Why do you think you'll be a good fit?
    I take my responsibilities sirius and im a person that always does my best and i do my research to optimize my gameplay.
    What will you contribute to the guild?
    Im not a leader, i can semi-lead ( i canrise up when nescesary but the main light is for someone else) but too much attention is not my thing, I allways try to help guild as a whole for example from wow times if im fishing my foodbuffs or making flaskks i usualy ask guild if someone needs some extra and make some spare just in case someone hadnt got time that day. Im allways willing to listen to some constructive criticism and learn from others.
    Do you have a referral?
    A little bit about yourself?
    hate this part ;) i have allways tought that a person can never describe himself/herself even close to what they are cuz of our thoughts of our selves and even expectations of the they way they want to be like is blinding . you should realy ask dabosh what he thinks.
    Activity level?
    atm i play a lot but when i reach 50 and gear level that only can be improved with raiding ill play less, so atm its 4+ hours a day every day
    Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer?
    Have you applied to the RIFT usergroup?
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 6, 2011
  2. Areli

    Aug 1, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Chicago Il.
    interviewed by Sokar and myself yesterday in TS.


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