/me puts on conspiracy nutter hat.....looks in mirror, making sure its hipster quailty.. This was not a mistake by Google,this was intentional. Google has taken its first step in taking over the world. Im sure google is somehow involved with the N Korean shelling of S Korea...N Korea was obviously using google maps. Bing will save us all from the Google Tyrants...wait Bing is Microsoft!!!!... were screwed /me Looks to facebook to save us
Wait first where were they trying to invade, and second did they not know the flag of the people they were trying to take over? I dont know Iraqs flag off the top of my head but Im sure if I was leading an assult I would know
it was sarcasm..sort was a nod to my belief Facebook will be bigger than Google and Microsoft combined. Not that thats a good thing.
Highly doubt it will be bigger than the two combined. Its still growing though - and that's true. I don't really think I hate the idea of Facebook (definitely not, entrepreneur's dream) but your average Facebook user is what gets to me. And average gamer, and average computer user, etc etc.
Its the average person. FB, games and other things are just attached to that average person who happens to be a dick, ass hole, bitch <insert noun to describe a very unpleasant individual here>. We just associate that person with what ever they may be doing to better pigeon hole them. Aaaaaaanyway that is off topic of the original post. What I am wondering is, is goggle maps just being lazy or is there an actual conspiracy?
out of all that, i found it hard to believe that the president of costa rica has the last name chincilla. lol