CALL of DUTY4 Starting November of 2007 Xen Of Onslaught embarked on a mission to reinstate itself in the FPS community with the release of Call of Duty 4 It's been a long hard fought battle with many casualties along the way. Joining in competition at Team Warfare League was rough at first . The wins were few and far between, but in the last few months that has changed. There were a lot people in XoO who thought that the FPS division would never make it. well I'm here to tell you that we are here, and doing very well thank you. And our doubters are long gone. I am very proud of you our members that have stuck by our side, and the new ones that have helped us grow. Now for some stats In the 6v6 Hard Core Sabotage Ladder we started out 5-6 ranked in the forties Now we are ranked 8th out of 43 team with a 13-9 record. In the 5v5 Hard Core Search & Destroy Ladder we started out 0-5 ranked 198 Now we are ranked 52th out of 160 teams with a record of 6-5. In the 4v4 Hard Core Sabotage Ladder we started out 4-1 ranked in the 30tys Now we are ranked 14th out of 67 teams with a 10-2 record. WOOT! Next we will be challenging into the top 10 rungs this week in the 4v4 ladder and top 5 in the 6v6 ladder. Our Current Roster LEADERSHIP C.O.- Rowl (XFixe name: rowl714) *SA C.M - The Communist (IGN: Communist) *SA C.M - Brownmccoy (IGN: Brown) *SA C.M.- Sgt_Frag *SA C.M - Sokar R.O. - Ronin R.O. - Spectr13 (IGN: Spectre) ACTIVE MEMBERS Umgla Dash (IGN: Fine_Grit) *SA Dr Jay Branded Wolf (IGN: Branded) Eskara Jun RaskshaKnuts Morg Sterling Zarash Dreadmuppet The Cox Xamiazi Reese Molotof KaiserSoze *SA uruz Friendly Fire
i may be speaking out of turn but idt so cod4 is a established game, and only if Cod5 is rediculously good will we be moving completely over, though i could be wrong and im sure that will be discussed b4 the game is released.