EDIT: There was supposed to be a few different splash pages for people to see, but looks like it got messed up. After like the 4th time it will take you to the site. But, there are 2 different splash pages out of the 4 I made. So tell me which you like best. Does look cool though. EDIT 2: Since April 1st has come and gone I went ahead and posted the images for those that did not get a chance to see them. Here are the images:
There was supposed to be a few different splash pages for people to see, but looks like Jeb fucked up. After like the 4th time it will take you to the site. But, there are 2 different splash pages out of the 4 I made. Does look cool though.
problem is... they are absolutely huge. They may look fine on your screen but on mine and probably others you have to actually scroll to see what they say
HEY! Don't blame Jeb--you only linked 2 of the images on the Task Force page. ROFL That's your epic fail, not Jeb's. Man up.
well here is the thing As Shoji says, there were only 2 images posted... Last night I looked at them and I didn't really feel it was funny... if we had a splash screen before and all of a sudden you got an april fools page on click, that may have worked, but we didn't. So I had planned to copy the first page, and then toss funny comments about members onto 3-4 pages so as people clicked through, they would read some goofy crap about members... but I fell asleep and then didnt' have time to do that this morning, so instead I just tossed up the few splash screens, so that it made it feel "broken" and once it was clicked a few times you got to the april fools page to let you know it wans't broken... and bumped ya into the site... The other problem is a lot of people bookmark the forums and skip the front page, or have "index.php" bookmarked on the front page, so when we toss up new index.html pages to override the php index, they don't see it anyways I guess we failed lol Oh well, next year we will plan something more then 2 days before hand Anyways, it's down to two pages, and I will be taking them down in an hour or so. PS - As mentioned, our graphics devs need to take into account a lot of people still use lower res 1280x1024 should really be the standard still is my guess for web devs to work in.
I blamed jeb to cover up to sneaking suspicion. I would have loved to add Rick Astley music in the BG but, didn't have the time. Either way, good show for Jeb for at least putting something up. Something is better to talk about than nothing. And it looks pretty cool if I do say so myself, although if you look closely you will see the trick I used to make the planet.
lol GJ =P all joking aside though, when I seen the title I said to myself.. well its about time they made an intro page XD I really think you guys should put your heads together and make a flash intro page
Comp is fine. Prolly faster than yours =P It's just an overly huge pic and I'm impatient. Finally saw the April Fools part. I think it would've been better if we just said we were supporting Hello Kitty as a Division or something.
dunno, I got me a top-o-the-line i7 computer and it loads for me in a matter of what 2 seconds if that? Maybe its your internet? Hello Kitty Online would be too obvious. Some Rick Astley music and it would have been much better.
nice graphic but. . . . kinda heavy on fail. . . hope the people over at Crytic aren't trying to suss out commuity out after I submitted the guild app for beta. . . .
Only a nub says "buy a faster computer". Cause everyone else knows its primarily based on internet speed =P oh snap! jk, we still <3 you =)