Today is mah birthday, which means plenty of money to spend on new, oh so awesome toys, so, here are the pedals I am ordering today: Boss TU-2 Chromatic Stompbox Budda BudWah Wah Pedal RockCase by Warwick Aluminum Pedalboard Fender Classics Series Volume Pedal Now, add all of this to my current pedal set up: Ibanez TS-808 Tube Screamer: Boss OS-2 Overdrive/Distortion: Boss OC-3 Super Octave Pedal: My set up is gonna be pretty fucking sweet! I'll post up a picture in January of the entire set up when I get it!
seems like being a rapper is easier than a rockstar. all you have to do is pay to get a beat made then rap over the beat, double up, then print.
Haha, the idea of paying for a recording of a spontaneous art form seems so absurd to me, it would be like seeing a full production movie where all of the actors and cameramen and musicians just improvised the whole thing in about an hour and a half. Sounds great bud, I ordered like $130CAD of glow spintoys the other day, should be here this week. If you have time can you post a video review of the pedals and give us a sound of how they work, like youtube?
Lol, the benefit to this as well is that I don't have to yank it out of my gig bag, re set up my tones, and watch the paint get scratched off them because of the travel and the wear and tear. Plus, it just looks sexy as hell when it's in a nice board set up. I'll be getting everything but the BudWah tomorrow apparently, and then the BudWah ships on the 1st. and will be at my house on the 2nd. I can't wait for that BudWah!!! I may have an expression pedal for you to use Umgala if you can figure out how to get it to work. The set up of the damn thing makes absolutely no sense, but that's Zoom for you.