New Application - AION - Assassin

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by Justinsroy, Jul 26, 2009.

  1. Justinsroy

    Jul 26, 2009
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    1. Age (18+ Requirement): 19, 20 in the fall

    2. Name (Forum & IGN): Justin Roy, Justinsroy on most forums and characters will most likely be named that as well.

    3. Class: Assassin probably, I'm still in the testing phases of the class mechanics on the beta but I'm leaning strongly towards a melee dps or a healer class (Aka; gladiator, assassin or one of the healers classes).

    4. Do you have vent and a mic?: Yes and Yes.

    5. Previous gaming experience: [Start one page description]
    My previous gaming experienced started way back when in FPS's such as CS/CS:source, DOD and other team based games like COD2 (played competitively alongside my now ex-gf with one of the best clans in the world, also played in a realism clan as well). I still continue playing FPS games such as COD4/COD2 also, and the occasional L4D/TF2. Personally i am a big fan of MMO's including over 600+ days played (one one character) on my /played in Burning crusade, that account was hacked so i cant give a exact /played now, but I'm sure its well over 700-800+ days played seeing as i continued to play and still currently playing in LK with some RL friends and close online friends. My competitive experience comes in WAR/WoW, during WAR my guild was #1 in the world during beta, and well into release before members went inactive and we started falling down the charts (Shadeleaf Mercenaries, server was blackrock i believe). In WoW i competed in arena hardcore and was 2k+ every season on at least one character (2 in most seasons, druid and warrior). Also i competed in the tournament a few months back (the one that blizzard hosted) and placed 2200+ on 3 characters (hunter/Hpally/warrior) including the invitation to come back to the second phase for the top 1k teams. Unfortunately my teammates had some issues during phase 2 and i couldn't find any team that needed a 3rd man to play so i did not compete during that phase. I'm still competing in arena at a 2k+ team on my warrior but plan to sell/let the account go inactive when aion comes out to focus heavily on leveling/PvPing.

    5.5. What can you bring the to Legion: I personally think that i can bring a very valuable asset to the legion, with the amount of hours that i put into my gaming agenda i think i can bring a solid player to the legion. As stated i am a very competitive person, i figure out all the ins/outs of classes and figure out how to use them to the best of my ability, Aion wont be any different in terms of dedication to my class/character. With my experience comes leadership and loyalty, i've led numerous guilds some lasting for over a year including the most well known PvP guild on my server back when PvP meant something in WoW (Vanilla WoW when WSG/AV/battlegrounds were just starting to come out). Given the time to prove myself i can become a valuable asset to this Legion.

    6. Why did you chose XoO: Scanning through the forums/main site i noticed that this guild/multi-game organization seems like it is well established (saw something about a member leaving in 07, obviously been around for a number of years) and i would like to be in an organized, PvP based guild that looks to be one of the best on the server/charts (whatever chart/system they use showing whose top in different areas.)

    7. Do you have a referral?: Unfortunately no i do not have a referral (btw referral is spelled wrong on the application template)

    8. A little bit about yourself: I'm a full time college student getting a degree in software engineering to work on games, currently working on weekends at a local bar as a bus boy and consider myself to be a very odd person when it comes to activities that i take part in. Training right now to compete in downhill mountain biking and used to play paintball on a national level, but also take the time out of my days to get some hours in on my laptop shoot/killin some people depending which game i play.

    9. Apply to usergroup: I will apply to the user-group once i get done submitting this application.

    Thank you for reading my application, sorry for the length but i thought i should include enough then just the 2 word answers that i see too many times on applications.

    If you have any questions/comments/concerns dont hesitate to drop a post/PM and ill try to get back to you as soon as i can.
  2. Kyoji
    Veteran Staff Member Admin

    Jun 22, 2008
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    Indiana, U.S.
    Lot of FPS I see. I currently dabble in TF2 during my free time and used to play Delta Force back in the day.

    As far as WAR and beta I was in beta myself and widely recognized by many to be a top sorc ---> Rei and played with XoO during beta as well and was recognized by the devs as one of only 10 guilds to recieve a guild spotlight. So it's always nice to see more WAR recruits.

    I do remember the guild name you mentioned in beta, but we went on to Averheim for release and actually went on to be the first legit world Altdorf cap as stated by Marc Jacobs. :D

    hehe, thanks. I didn't bother to spell check-it. Guess that was my mistake. =P

    Having more is better than having less IMO, so the length is great. You meet the requirements and your application was well written and prepared.

    Welcome to the guild! Feel free to post around and get to know some of the members.

    Also, remember to check this thread.

  3. Justinsroy

    Jul 26, 2009
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    Thank you Kyoji, to all task force/officers i sent the message too, i didnt see this in here i was assuming it was going to go to the other board before it was shot straight here.

    And Kyjoi i looked up my old WAR stuff, i saw you mentioned you were on badlands; if i remember right thats where shadeleaf started when release hit, im not positive if thats where they still are or if they even exist anymore.
  4. Kyoji
    Veteran Staff Member Admin

    Jun 22, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Indiana, U.S.
    hehe, no problem. Welcome to the guild. :cool:
  5. Justinsroy

    Jul 26, 2009
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    Thank you sir. :D