1. Age (18+ Requirement):the power of 21 =) 2. Name (Forum & IGN)lappa, plappa, and more plappa. or some variation of that name as in plappy =) 3. Class: good chance i'll be cleric i like that it can survive due to heals =) and kinky chain armour =o. I have been keeping an eye on those mage classes tho XD 4. Do you have vent and a mic?:yes and yes 5. Previous gaming experience:like 99% of all the other gamers CS 1.6 =), mmmm i small little game called Infantry by SOE i got addicted to it XD, RF Online wooooot *spits on ccr* ruining the game as we speak the bishes , and soon to be aion =)....hopefully with u guys XD 6. Why did you chose XoO:let the brown nosing begin , from what i saw in RFO on novus and from just skimming through ur website i seeeee that u guys are pretty much hardcore game lovers meeeooowww, and i would like to be part of that in ur aion sect. Looks well managed, well organized and ready to rickroll over all obstacles muaahhhhahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 7. Do you have a referal?:i do i do, i just dont know there name on here T.T, i play with a former member of yours who is joining back for aion =), i play RFO with him on the new epic fail of a company ccr servers. Dont turn ur back on me misty, dont give me the cold shoulder u know u know me, tell them T.T, tell them damnit!!!!!!!!T.T, MISTY!!!!!!!!!!! 8. A little bit about yourselfys i feel the pressure, lets c, i live in a little country called Canada in a small village called Toronto, where our hockey team(Toronto maple leafs) wins the Stanley cup every year. Ignore all articles that say otherwise, its all screen glitches, they win em all OK!!!! Anyways, i just pretty much like to play games n stuff and i just wanted to start aion with a good guild, being u guys =)...*slips u a $20*
While we are laid back and easy going using English when posting generally has the same effect when trying to join a guild as it does a job - it helps. I am going to be honest, your post makes you seem like your on crack. However, since we already have a division of crack whacky people - RFO then I imagine you will fit in just fine with Aion. Welcome to the guild, if you have any questions or comments feel free to ask Twilight. I think you two should get along VERY well. ACCEPTED
=o *cries* thank you for accepting me =), no one will die with me around, and if they do i will rez XD
heh, np. Welcome to the family mate if you have any questions feel free to ask. Post around and get to know some of the members.
=) ty ty, now i will hacks ALLL ur computers......i mean.....be a helpful guild member >.> <.< >.> <.<.....*hides true intentions*. but for reals im really liking aion so far =), glad to eventually start it with u guys =) <---suck up more =P
=o omg shak!!!!!!!!! kk 100mil for a box and 10mill for pill k thanks =), but for u 50% off <3. wow!!!! 31k top end, damage hacker, i c u guys got the luxury of playing the new patch, *spits on ccr*