What I am trying to do is get wireless from my router to an access point where I can then turn that into two Ethernet cables because I don't want to buy two individual wireless adapters. I just want a wireless receiver that I could connect to. Is there anything that would let me do that or what is the best way to do it. What I was thinking was taking a wireless access point and using a switch from the ethernet port on the back to get my two ports because there is only one port on the WAP. Would this work? Thanks in advance for any help.
I'm thinking that running the wireless adapter into a router, and then connecting that to two ethernet devices should work, And would be cheaper than getting a second adapter. Adapters running about $50, and I just saw a linksys 8 port switch for half that (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833124004). But - is performance a problem? I just don't know what the performance difference would be between two wireless connections, or two computers sharing one wireless adapter via a switch. That's what I'd hinge on, but I also don't know what you're doing. I, on the other hand, am slowly crushing the foundation of my house under the weight of all the hard cable I have pulled through walls.
They are not close enough to connect with an ethernet cord and performance isn't a huge concern I would only be using one heavily at a time.
Ive figured it out. A solution I found earlier and dismissed because of a problem that I now know you can get around.
I have a wireless router. The solution was to get another wireless router and set it on bridge mode and run it like that.