Star Citizen NefariousVII's Application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by NefariousVII, Feb 23, 2014.

  1. NefariousVII

    Dec 13, 2013
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    Star Citizen Application
    How old are you?
    In-Game Name?
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic?
    Why did you choose XoO & where did you hear about us?:
    I joined XoO through Planetside 2. I had known about XoO since March of last year, when XoO was running rampant and causing all sorts of admirable mayhem.

    Later down the road, in early December, I had become good enough at PS2 to play competitively. It was then that I noticed my necessity to join an organized outfit.

    I chose XoO from my first impressions of them back in March. I remembered the XOO tag, so I sought out their PS2 forum thread and promptly applied.

    It was always my intention since March of last year to join XoO. I knew I was going to join this organization, and I knew I was going to stay in this community for a very long time.
    Previous Gaming Experience:
    Games 1 & 2: I used to play Counter-Strike, and Counter-Strike: Source competitively.

    Our group was called "Off The Map!" (OTM), and although we were not necessarily well-known or famous within the CS community, we were still good at pulling off long-range headshots and establishing scrim tactics.

    For this reason, I stuck with this group for a long while and became acquainted with operating as a long-ranged, supportive role in all FPS games that I play.

    Pulling off headshots, getting into position and keeping active reconnaissance were all essential tools to our CS group that made our scrims successful and fun.

    Game 3: I also used to play America's Army competitively. Our outfit was called "BeerForce" (-=BF=-), and we were recognized in the very early days of AA as being a force not to take lightly.

    We were very organized. We did not necessarily host official scrims, we mostly joined different servers together and go to work.

    My skills set within this outfit were similar to my counter-strike experiences: I received sniper marksmanship (back in the day when receiving this certification was hard to accomplish) and was often the primary or secondary sniper for each round.

    Otherwise, if not sniping I was our support for our forward pushes into the enemy's side. This included taking the Commanding Officer rank for each round and maintaining radio contact, giving objectives, and updating the troops to our situations while they crawled around in air ducts and behind doors.

    This all is the extent of my organized, competitive experiences in FPS games.
    List what ships you have, mark LTI where applicable:
    Constellation / P52 Merlin
    What is your preferred role in-game?
    • Freighter Class Pilot (Constellation, Retaliator, Freelancer, etc)
    • Gunner (Manned Turret Gunner)
    • Marine (Boarding Combat)
    • Smuggler (Illegal Goods Transport)
    • Industrialist (Legal Goods Transport & Trade)
    Do you have a referral?
    Activity level?
    Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer?
  2. Rookie
    Veteran Star Citizen Member

    Oct 9, 2012
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    IT Consultant
    Houston, TX
    Formality, accepted.