1. Character Name, Class, and Main Spec: If applying as Friend: Answer Q9 and have them speak with an officer to coordinate an invite. Oakes, Druid, Moonkin. I have historically raided as Resto, and I'm perfectly comfortable doing so again. Whatever is a better fit. 2. Armory Link: (explain talent choices here in needed): http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Sargeras&n=Oakes My resto offspec is fairly static, but my Moonkin spec is frequently changing to suit new gear. For example, I'm a little over on hit cap right now, so I dropped a point from Balance of Power to compensate. As you can tell from a few of the pieces, I'm still transitioning some of my pre-ToC Resto set (when I last played) to a full raid-level Moonkin set. The cloak is being replaced on Tuesday with the iLevel 264 badge cloak. 3. List raid helpful professions: Leatherworking and Inscription. Both provide pure SP boosts (46 each when compared with general counterparts) without being particularly costly to maintain. 4. Time playing WoW and PvE progression: I've been playing, with intermittent breaks, since release. In classic, I did all content including Naxx 40. TBC, I played less of, going as far as Reliquary in BT. In WotLK, I did up to Yogg 25, quit shortly before ToC, and since returning last saturday, have done up to and including Festergut, with numerous attempts on Rotface. 5. PvP influences and impact on raiding: There was a time when I really enjoyed Arena, and I still enjoy popping heads off in BGs, but I've always been a raider first and foremost. 6. Age (18 is required with limited exceptions): 22 7. Occupation and living arrangements that impact raiding(family, classes, dorm, night shifts etc): Living in a student house, taking approx. 12 credit hours during the day. 8. Guild you are leaving and why: (If you join another guild without following up here, application will be closed): Just faction swapped yesterday, but before quitting pre-ToC, I was in Seriously Casual. It's a very clique-based guild, and while I remain close friends with Adamz, I didn't like the environment, which contributed to my quitting WoW for several months. No ill will, just not the right fit. 9. How did you hear about us? List any friends/references within the guild: Since I'm new to horde on Sargeras, I just asked around, and Xen of Onslaught came up more than a few times. Plus Drodi is sitting on his raptor in front of me packing a 5750GS... That's a pretty good indication 10. List consumables you bring to raid: Flask of the frost Wyrm, and Tender Shoveltusk Steaks. I also carry around a few Flasks of Pure Mojo, and my inscription mats just in case. 11. Additional Scheduling conflicts (consider possible weekend groups for 10mans): Like I said, I'm new in Orgrimmar, so I'm looking for all opportunities to settle in with competent and like-minded raiders in both 10 and 25 man settings. 12. Provide measure of your damage/healing such as Recount (Screenshot to include player breakdown of attack %'s), WoW Web Stats (WWS), or World of Logs listing: I'll have to update this after Tuesday, so I can make sure to get a proper capture of this information for you. 13. Provide a UI screenshot from raid combat: Again, I'll post in-raid screens including damage breakdowns after some Tuesday raiding, but here's my UI just the same: http://i45.tinypic.com/2heg2h0.jpg 14. Final comments you feel could help your application: The image verification on the registration of these forums is fucking absurd.
Apologies for the double post, I'm almost afraid to try and post this since I already tried once :O But if an admin could delete my duplicate, it would be much appreciated
A pug ICC25 that I was saved to randomly picked up again today, so here are the raid screenshots you were looking for: http://i45.tinypic.com/2e4zp1t.jpg http://i47.tinypic.com/n4hcft.jpg http://i47.tinypic.com/287du91.jpg
I notice you do not have the typical 53/0/13 point talents, could you explain what your current spec is trying to achieve?
53/0/13 This is the talent build I assume you're referring to, so I'll try to run down my choices based on my needs as far as gear and expected raiding situations are concerned. As I said before, I'm a little over on hit from gear, so one point is also out of Balance of Power right now. I spend a large part of my time doing heroic grinding, so Starfall, Gale Winds and Typhoon are all useful right now. I've been experimenting with one point in Owlkin Frenzy for Festergut, as I am constantly taking damage, and therefore constantly having opportunities for it to proc. Until just yesterday, I was also about 2.5% over on Haste for effective raiding benefit on Wrath (400 Haste), so I dropped Celestial Focus to compensate. With 3 in Intensity and 1 in Dreamstate, I rarely if ever run out of mana on any of the boss fights currently in the game. Finally, the 2 points in Nature's Focus over iMotW is more of a PvP choice, since I often find myself in battlegrounds to pass the time when I'm locked out of raid instances. I'll admit, my current spec is fairly messy to look at, but as I said, its constantly changing to meet my gear and PuG raiding needs, and will settle down into something much closer to the base 53/0/13 base that you're looking for.
We are looking for skill players who know about their class, theorycrafting, and how to adapt. I couldn't care less what specific spec you are as long as it performs.
You have a blue quality gem in your belt, and you are not running 23 haste to cloak. I understand that they are lesser pieces, but enchanting mats are cheap. I can look past the gem for now =p.
Right now spots are very competitive , if you are ok with that, we can except you for trial. Further details can be discussed in game.