WoW Midje's Application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Midje, Jun 12, 2015.

  1. Midje

    Jun 12, 2015
    Likes Received:
    What is your in game name?:
    How old are you?:
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a working microphone?:
    Can you make raid nights on consistent and reliable basis? (Tue/Thur/Sun @ 7:30pm server):
    What class and specialization(s) are you applying as?:
    Resto/Ele Shammy
    Link your main character's armory page.:
    List any alternate classes and specialization that you may be interested in playing.(opt.):
    Disc/Shadow priest
    Link the armory page(s) for any alternate character listed.(opt.):
    What tools or guides do you use to optimize your character?:
    Looking at people from method, midwinter, paragon, looking at sims on warcraftlogs, various forums looking at what other people in my specs are doing.
    Link a recent log of a raid you participated in.:
    Have not really raided recently to provide a valid log of my performance.
    What is your previous raiding experience?:
    I use to raid casually in vanilla and bc, once wotlk dropped I was part of a top realm guild for the first patch. I quit after that until basically wod. In wod I am 7/7H 10/10H, I achieved 10/10 a while ago, and in my current guild I have no hope of seeing mythic so I stopped seriously raiding on my shammy, hence why I cannot provide a legitimate log. With that being said, I am not a 90th percentile player, I can definitely pull my weight, follow instructions, do the research needed to ensure proper execution of mechanics, and always open to tips and advice.
    Why are you interested in XoO?:
    As I said above in my current guild I have to swallow a tough pill, that is the fact I will never see mythic content. Having progressed fully in the game via the group finder there is something left to be desired and one my old guild mates, Doctõre, recently joined your guild and has said that you guys are a really great team to join.
    What are you looking for in raiding with XoO?:
    To have meaning full progression, to join a healthy well trained guild move up the ranks to become the best on ED. Thank you for reading my application.
  2. Milknmsoftly

    Feb 27, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Systems Engineer
    Jacksonville, FL
    Hi Midje,

    I would like to speak with you in game. Please add my battletag so we can chat. Poobywooby#1363
