Everyone, say hello to Baron. My 4 month old solid black German Shepherd. Such a precious laid back cool dog. Now that you have met him, say goodbye. Because last night he ate my headset. And he probably wont survive the day. RIP Baron
If anyone has a recomendation for a replacement I would be glad to hear it. Aside from gaming I use it for skype when I am traveling and for music when in hotels and such. I like my music loud. I am not against a wireless or bluetooth but it HAS to be quality. I have no desire to walk around with an earpiece for my cell phone so thats out. Thanks
lol, you noticed that hunh? He grows so damn fast I can't keep up with his pics. His average is 12 pounds every 3 weeks. He's going to be a big one.
Well, to be fair to Baron, dogs see things in this world a lot different than the way we do. You may be able to look at it and see a headset: But poor confused Baron may see it more like this: ...ok, maybe not. I was bored.
I suppose that's to be expected when you marinate your headset in bacon grease. I thought I was the only on who did that.
Logitech ClearChat Comfort USB Headphones. It's the secret to the way I sound on vent. The noise cancellation is excellent and music plays really well through them. (and don't get ClearChat Pro. it's mic doesn't sound as good as the Comfort, or so i was told when i was rebuked for sounding different when i tried out the Pro) p.s. that is one seriously cute character you have on your hands. no wonder the vet girl chased you...she wants you for your dog.
Silly Li, It wasn't the puppy that sold that deal. It was the aviator sunglasses, deliscously dorky. The ladies can't resist them I'm telling you it works even with a bad haircut
yikes..i feel your pain. My dog ate my motorcycle...everything that was not metal..everything....he even bent the spokes. He was a Great Pyranese....I gave him to a junkyard....all the cars he can eat.
I use the Plantronics MX500i 3-in-1 Headset, and I love it for its long term comfort and quality. It's recommended for teleworkers who have to have these things in all day and have to hear and be heard to make sales.