MaverickHunterZero's Application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by MaverickHunterZero, Mar 17, 2014.

  1. MaverickHunterZero

    Mar 17, 2014
    Likes Received:
    WildStar Application
    How old are you?
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a working microphone?
    Typically, can you commit to events that run from 8PM-11PM EST?
    What times are you availible to play? Be specific and include your timezone.
    My timezone is PST (California).
    I'm available to play in the afternoon to early evenings on most days, and any time on the weekend (including Friday). I am only attending college currently, so by the time WildStar launches in June, a new semester will be starting and I can pick up classes at times that won't interfere with the planned raid schedules.
    How many hours do you anticipate playing per week, on average?
    At least 35+ hours per week, if not more.
    What is your anticipated Character Class?
    Warrior/Stalker, still can't decide.
    What is your anticipated playstyle (DPS,Healer, or Tank)?
    Tank / DPS.
    What is your MMO experience and what progression have you experienced in those games? Please be as detailed as possible
    My first MMO was World of Warcraft back when it launched in 2004 and up until Cataclysm I was a Protection Paladin tank. When Cataclysm launched I rerolled Blood Death Knight tank. I have done / cleared a majority of the raids up until then and quit just before Pandaria launched to jump ship to play SWTOR. Before I jumped ship to play full-time on SWTOR, I did some jumping around during WoW, to other MMOs such as Age of Conan, Warhammer Online, Rift, Aion, DC Universe, among other MMOs. Of the ones listed, the only ones I liked enough for me to last ended up being Rift, of which I was a Cleric Tank, and DC Universe, of which I was a Fire Tank. Eventually I got bored of Rifts tedious, rep-grind of an endgame and mind-numbingly boring raids that I jumped back to WoW, and eventually to DC Universe which was great in its first year, though I had a major complaint as to how threat was managed in the game (in tank stance, every ability you do was a giant AoE taunt, which made tanking mind-numbingly simple).

    I was in SWTORs beta for a long time and really enjoyed it, and played it when it launched for well over a year, mainly as a Jedi Sentinel DPS (would've gone Guardian tank but couldn't resist the allure of 2 lightsabers, you know?). I cleared HM / NM EV / KP back before Denova launched and only cleared HM Denova before I didn't like the way BioWare was handling the game and jumped ship. Eventually I came back and resubbed to continue my Sentinel when the level cap reached 55 with the addition of Makeb, and did a couple raids, namely HM TFB and HM SnV. As you can see, I'm mainly a PvEr, though I have done quite a bit of PvP in DC Universe as the Legends PvP was fairly balanced and enjoyable, and a bit of PvP in SWTOR and still managed to kill people / distract healers with just raid gear and no PvP gear (Rotating Sentinel cooldowns ftw).

    For most of Burning Crusade, all of Wrath, some of Cataclysm, and all of SWTOR, I was raid leading. In WoW, I was raid leading within the guild, and as for SWTOR, I met a bunch of friends who were competent during random HardMode dungeon runs and kept in contact with them. After a while of learning that they wanted to raid but didn't have matching schedules with their guilds on weekdays, I talked to people and set up weekend raid schedules, mainly on Saturday, and we cleared every raid from regular Eternity Vault / Karagga's Palace to HardMode Denova (Explosive Conflict). I would have to say our biggest success working together was everybody's quick learning after I did some research on the Explosive Conflict raid boss fights and how we mostly killed the first 3 bosses (Toth / Zorn up until the last boss where the fight got hectic and we were all tired after a long night) while I was keeping in contact with a good friend who was in a progression raiding guild whose raid group kept wiping on the tank bosses while we were already on the minefield boss. We only wiped 2-3 times on each boss before we downed them (as its much different reading a text of the fight than experiencing it first-hand) while nobody had time to look up any videos or anything and were all going off based on the notes I took, my shoutouts in mumble, and the videos I watched prior to the run. In WoW, I mostly pugged Wrath and kept setting up my own raids every week, biggest achievements were downing ToC25 / ToC10 in one night together, as well as downing ICC completely with a pug within the first month of it launching, where a couple guilds I knew of were still struggling on Sindragosa, just before Lich King.

    I recently played FFXIV:ARR when it launched until I quit in late February. I was a White Mage mainly and Scholar alt, healed up to Binding Coils Turn 5 and had that on farm with the FC, as well as all the Extreme Primals on a weekly farm (Garuda, Titan, Ifrit. Quit before 2.2). Running the same raid and primals all day every week (I didn't PvP much in FFXIV, hated how it worked) so I let the FC know and jumped ship due to lack of content. Hopefully I can see myself jumping back in after a year or two when they launch more content since I did enjoy my stay. I am very interested in trying the PvP out in WildStar, not just raiding. The combat looks very skill-oriented and not many MMO players are good ;) So for once I'm looking forward to the PvP arenas and Warplots as well as the lovely dungeons and raids.
    Are you willing to put in the time and effort researching your class in order to maximize your characters in-game abilities? This includes researching the most effective specs, talents, and strategies.
    How do you feel about progression raiding?
    Progression raiding is what I live for when it comes to MMOs. I enjoy the fun, the challenges, the teamwork, and the potentially badass-looking gear with amazing stats.
    How do you feel about PvP?
    I'm not much of a PvPer, though I have dabbled with it in some MMOs along the way, ones that I felt were fun or mostly balanced so I could thoroughly enjoy it. With how the combat works in WildStar though, this is yet another MMO where I'm also excited about the PvP, aside from the PvE.
    Are you able to dedicate 2-3 nights and 2-3 hours on each of those nights per week to guild specific functions?
    Do you plan on playing any other MMO while playing WildStar Online?
    Have you been a part of any other Xen of Onslaught division? If so, which ones and do you have anyone who would recommend you?
    Referred by?
    Have you read the WildStar Division Information thread and agree to abide by the guidelines within?
    Certify that you have requested to join the WildStar Permissions Group (availible by editing your profile) by selecting YES.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2014
  2. Itherael

    Sep 3, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Thanks for taking the time to submit a quality application. The second part of the application process is to schedule a TeamSpeak interview. When would you be available?
  3. MaverickHunterZero

    Mar 17, 2014
    Likes Received:
    I'm available right now (11AM PST) to around 6PM PST. And available tomorrow any time after 1PM PST.
  4. Dref

    Jan 18, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Application Developer
    Unfortunately Ithereal and myself are fairly busy tonight. Would you be able to make it for 8:30 PM EST tomorrow (Tuesday)?

    Added PM. Doh!
  5. MaverickHunterZero

    Mar 17, 2014
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    Yep, I'm free at that time tomorrow. I'll chat with you guys then, thanks for the heads up.
  6. Dref

    Jan 18, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Application Developer
    Spoke with in TeamSpeak on 3/18, approved.