In case you needed something else to dump a few hours into. Fun little flash game where you shoot at things. Initially you'll only be able to play a few levels but you unlock things pretty fast. By completing levels you get CP to spend on muzzles, scopes and stats. Controls: Mouse - Aim Left click - Shoot R or Z - Reload Space bar - Hold breath Shift - Un-scope Backspace - Return to main menu The "Tutorial" is actually the wind tutorial which unlocks hard and very hard mode, and should be done after doing stages 1 ~ 3 on normal. When a level says "Need Night Scope," the night vision scopes can be purchased and are numbered 17 ~ 22. Also the game is incomplete for now; many people are awaiting an update.
Hm, I do best on very hard with my screen tinted green... or yellow I should say since using a night scope during the day makes everything yellow.