Star Wars:TOR ApplicationHow old are you? 25 In-Game Name? Mariusz Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic? Yes What is your primary class? (Sith Only) Sith Inquisitor Previous Gaming Experience: Waaayyy to many to remember. main game types played are FPS and MMORPG's. to list a few majors; planetside, cod, bf, crysis, wow, rfo, aoc, war, rift. all of these were played with the guild except crysis Why did you choose XoO: Have been playing with XoO for a long time now, wouldnt even think of playing with anyone else. Why do you think you'll be a good fit? Have played many games with XoO, familiar with the rules/tactics/people. Plus i have been gaming for a very long time and have plenty of experience What will you contribute to the guild? my time and dedication as always. as stated above, i also have much experience which will come to play in guild events and raids Localization: NA Do you have a referral? - A little bit about yourself? typical male, i like cars, girls, games, guns, martial arts, etc. my main hobby is martial arts and then gaming. Activity level? 10-15 Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer? Yes Have you applied to the SW:TOR usergroup? Yes
off the top of my head.... war, aoc, rift, cod, bf:bc2 and some older ones (hellgate, shadowrun....). beta'd a bunch with XoO too
Thanks for the info. Please make sure you read all stickies and also please make sure you sign up over here also please Thanks Mebard DARK LORD