Malpraktis's Application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Malpraktis, Apr 30, 2012.

  1. Malpraktis

    Apr 30, 2012
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    IT, Marketing, Account Reporting, Ass Model on Wee
    Murder Mitten (A state shaped like a mitten, and h
    TERA (NA) Application
    How old are you?
    In-Game Name?
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic?
    What is your primary class?
    Why did you choose XoO? (please be descriptive)
    To be perfectly honest? I ran a SM with some kewl people from XoO, in which applying was recommended. I mean I could lie and say I know alot about you guys, but I'm woefully ignorant. Give me the chance; I'm a fast learner. It's like a blind date. Hoping to get past 2nd base. ^.^
    Previous Gaming Experience? (please be descriptive)
    Started the MMO fun with FFXI, in which I made it to 60 as a THF before they were good. Quit the game due to WoW coming out (and mostly due to waiting in jueno for hours for a party to kill crabs was not working very well, cause daggers didn't do much damage to them at the time. Really, just got Dancing Edge and was like "Done!") WoW I played for several years since it launched, on many characters. My main character when I finally quit was Malpraktis as well. Long story short, his achievements are here and PvP centric: "" Did mostly PvP at the end, in which me and a feral druid friend made it to the top 10 in 2s on our battlegroup, but one doesn't get glad with 2s, unfortunately. I have been apart of hardcore guilds in the past in wow in which we've done difficult achievements (like firefighter pre nerf, or nightsbane pre nerf, solo heal 25 man 3drake, some naxx in vanilla on my warlock, things of this sort.) I used to set hps records on bosses with one of those raid reporting sites that a guild i was in used to use, i dont remember it off the top of my head. It was alot of fun.

    Like most, I'm pretty much tired of WoW, and was looking for something new. I tried SWTOR for awhile, but it wasn't for me. TERA is my new and only game.
    What will you contribute to the guild? (Please be elaborate on this one)
    I bring a charming personality and I know three fantastic jokes; hopefully ones you have not heard before. I also have a very nonchalant attitude towards games in the sense that nothing really bothers me too much, so spending time on a pve or pvp goal without forward progress doesn't deter me from continuing to show up. (Exception: Sometimes pvp can be frustrating, in which I would need a break to grab a tasty beverage or swear at my neighbor's cat. Fuckin' Bubbles.) I know what it takes to be on the bleeding edge of content, or work towards a guild goal; in which I can donate time to help achieve; albeit not as much as I used to, still enough to be productive. I'm 27 years old and also could offer to be fantastic company for any hot 18-28 year old females, all for the guild of course; you know, sacrifices I'm willing to make for y'all.
    Do you have a referral?
    Forgive me if I'm misspelling, going from memory I believe the name was Kellex
    Who are you? Tell us something about you. Don't sweeten it up, be honest :D
    I've played enough games over the years to know that guilds are a two way street; give me the chance to know you guys and vice versa, and I believe you won't be disappointed. I think that once you do get to know me, you'll know that I'm dedicated and am generally a fun and laid back guy who is down for anything when I have time to play. More about me as well: I love watching sports, I enjoy snowmobiling, ice luge, jetskiing, boating, funny videos, whatnot. I work full time in IT/Marketing, and take Japanese on the side, in which I'm half way decent at it. I hate Sidney Crosby, and if you're a fan then I'm sorry for you, and we might be rivals forever. (Just how it goes, it can't be helped.) I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.
    Activity level?
    I believe I would make the minimum 35+ per week.
    Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer?
    Have you applied to the TERA usergroup?
    You have 9 balls. All but 1 weigh the same (1 is heavier). You are able to use the scale (2 sided scale) to weigh them against other balls two times. How do you find the ball with the different weight to it?
    Man with 9 balls cannot walk, Confucius Says.

    I would split the group into threes, weigh any two sets of three, and figure out which set had the heavy ball. Then weigh any two in that set to figure out the answer. If were in space though, its a trick question. They all weigh the same. The question doesn't specify.

    Of course, if we're really diving into this, there is always more mathy ways: after all, Weight = Mass x Gravity, where G is 9.81 m/s2 pretty much well known if we're on earth so all one would have to do is figure out mass, which needs a scale. Or take the balls in your hands (phrasing) and feel which one is heavier if there is a large difference. Thinking it through, there is always taking like something malleable and seeing how much of a dent it makes by dropping it (they all drop the same speed of course (hammer/feather) but the heavier one will make more of an impact, as it has more kinetic energy, with gravity of course. Then we can say fuk the scales. Stupid scales.) If the heavier one is bigger, we could always drop them in water to figure out which one displaces the most water.

    Ok. Done editing. For real this time. :p
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2012
  2. Tlaloc

    Jun 24, 2008
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    Game Meister
    Heyas Malpraktis!

    Glad you are interested in joining us. Liked your application a lot since you actually gave thought to your responses and filled it with more info than just the games you've played =). Hop into our TS server once the servers come up or msg Tlaloc, Thedose, Peppershaker in game for an invite to the guild.
  3. Malpraktis

    Apr 30, 2012
    Likes Received:
    IT, Marketing, Account Reporting, Ass Model on Wee
    Murder Mitten (A state shaped like a mitten, and h
    Thank you for the response. I'll be on tonight around 7-7:30 EST. Look forward to talking to you then!