How will you assist the other officers in the guild?: I will offer my services and knowledge to all existing and upcoming officers by being an active listener and innovator to the guild. This will allow me to apply an effective form of communication to other officers and members with new ideas and learning opportunities.What will you do enhance the guild?: Working together is key to the success of a guild. I will achieve this by being an active member of the guild, supplying the necessary resources (mats) and body, and providing relevant and innovative in-game information to the best of my knowledge.What are your past leadership roles?: Game Related: Team leader for numerous competitive Counter-Strike teams. Outside: Relay for Life Committee Swimming Coach Summer Camp Kid's Counselor Hosted several local gymnastics/tumbling gatherings.What would you like to add to your application to make you more competitive?: I often find myself extremely competitive by nature. I am always striving for the best and never for mediocrity. If I find an opportunity to learn more and get better at something, I will not hesitate to do so. Getting ahead is only part of the game.
Thank you for your application. We will be meeting this Friday to discuss all the applications we have received.