Magerdps Arcane Mage

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Magerdps, Feb 12, 2010.

  1. Magerdps

    1. Character Name, Class, and Main Spec: Magerdps (Arcane Mage)

    2. Armory Link: (and talent choices explained):

    There isn't much to say about my talent spec. It's a cookie cutter arcane mage dps spec with only a minor variation in the point swap between Student of the Mind and Incanter's Absorption (higher total DPS due to higher utilization of shielding abilities in ICC)

    3. List raid helpful professions:

    Tailoring and Enchanting; both are at 400 something. Just got these high enough on this toon to get +23 SP ring enchants and Lightweave embroidery on the cloak. 450 Tailor/Ench w/ all enchants and most tailoring patterns on my alt.
    4. Time playing WoW and PvE progression:

    I've played since beta (yes I remember dwarf mages). I've cleared just about everything since release on one toon or another. In Wrath, I've cleared Naxx, Ulduar (most HMs), TOC, TOGC (up to Anub on 25man), and ICC up to Putricide (part of reason for leaving alliance); however, I've seen up to the Lich King either on friend's toons or in the PTR. I know all fights.

    5. Describe your method for theorycrafting your class:

    Usually, I run RAWR to check for proper itemization along with proper gemming/enchanting. I also regularly monitor conversations about BiS items and such on Elitistjerks.

    6. Age (18 is required with limited exceptions):

    I'm 21. Not a problem.

    7. Occupation and living arrangements that impact raiding(family, classes, dorm, night shifts etc):

    Classes during the day on Mon/Wed. Neither of these interfere with raid.
    Court mandated community service on 2nd and 4th thursday of every month but I don't see this being an issue.

    8. Guild you are leaving and why: (If you join another guild without following up here, application will be closed):

    Currently I am in Atonement (just joined there tonight [friend's guild]). Obviously, still highly interested in XoO.

    I've been in several guilds throughout my time on Sargeras (Reverence, Bloodlines, SA/Origins, and Avenged). Avenged was the last guild I was in. They simply didn't progress enough and personal issues got in the way. Also, Alliance is fail. No matter how "pro" a guild is on alliance, there is never the same attitude as there is on horde. Horde simply attract a higher caliber of player with a higher level of maturity.

    9. How did you hear about us? List any friends/references within the guild:

    Trishell :)

    10. List consumables you bring to raid:

    Flask of the Frost Wyrm
    Firecracker Salmon
    Mana Pots + Speed Pots

    11. Any Scheduling conflicts (consider possible weekend groups for 10mans):

    2nd and 4th Thursday of every months I might be slightly late, but as I stated before I don't think it will be an issue.

    12. Provide measure of your damage/healing such as Recount (Screenshot to include player breakdown of attack %'s), WoW Web Stats (WWS), or World of Logs listing:

    None that are up to date except the DPS that is included in that self-buffed (Int + Molten Armor) target dummy. 1/4 mil damage at 7.5K DPS. at 1/2 mil damage it drops to about 7.2K DPS. That's just with self buffs. Flasked, fed, and raid buffed I sustain 9K or more on standstill fights. On movement fights (rotface for example) I still sustain 8-8.5K DPS.

    13. Provide a UI screenshot:


    I keep it clean. Bartender. Grid. Mage Nuggest for proc monitoring. DBM raid alerts and monitoring.

    14. Final comments you feel could help your application:

    My name is Nate (21) and I live in Seattle. I can provide very competitive DPS and consistant attendance. If you'd like somebody to vouch for me, just ask Trishell. I come prepared and I know my shit. I'd gladly answer any questions that anyone has about itemization, gemming, enchants, spec, or boss encounters.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 13, 2010
  2. Swiftzz

    Aug 17, 2009
    Likes Received:
    IT Support Analyst
    Staten Island NY
    I'd like to see some world of logs if you have any from any raids even ToGC, or a screenshot of Recount with Breakdown from ICC on fights such as Saurfang/Putricide(if you have any) or Rotface/Festergut. Dummy DPS doesn't really show anything its only used to get your rotation down etc. You don't have full raid buffs or and debuffs on the boss.

    I would also recommend removing the 1 point in Student of the Mind and either 1 point in Arcane Mind or Incanters Absorption and putting it into Magic Attunement. On fights such as Valithria Dreamwalker the improved Amp Magic on the Boss increases heals a really good amount. Also Arcane does not have much range so the extra 6 yards does help a lot. If you do go out of range that is considered a DPS loss. Such as when your DPS'n the oozes on Putricide you can start DPS'n sooner.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2010
  3. Magerdps

    All of my raid ID's are reset so I'll go pug something if you'd like accurate displays of DPS in raid.

    As for my spec, I am aware of the spec changes you have suggested and the only reason I haven't made said changes is the simple fact that the guild I was in could never get that far. If accepted, I will change accordingly.

    Also, I completely revamped my Raid UI so I will be posting an updated screenshot once I have it the way I want it. Give me a few hours to pug something worth screenshotting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 13, 2010
  4. Magerdps

    Here's a 25man TOC that I lead. I couldn't find any decent pugs while I was on today so I said fuck it and made one myself. This is the most up to date and accurate DPS logs I have since I've come back.





    All in all, Recount says Overall DPS at 9K even. High of 16K DPS on Twins to a low of 7K on Faction Champs (I hate that fight). Also, this displays my revamped Raid UI.
  5. Magerdps

    Also, my spec has been modified to something more-similar to the spec suggested (1pt out of IA and 1pt out of SotM). DPS increase will, of course, only be apparent on aforementioned bosses, but it's an increase none the less. Either way, a point needed to come out of SotM, because haste is absolutely useless without T9 and I'm 4/5 T10.25.
  6. Swiftzz

    Aug 17, 2009
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    IT Support Analyst
    Staten Island NY
    Curious how far did you get in Vanilla Raiding and TBC? Also do you have a mic? Another thing I would definitely recommend is replacing the Flowing Robes of Ascent with Bloodmage Robes and Crafting the Leggings of Woven Death because they are Best in Slot. Also for Arcane you are wayyyy over the Hit cap you only need 8% hit in Raids. Seeings as hit is not an issue for you becaue of your Staff the Robes/Legs would be a big difference and more haste. For Arcane you definitely want as much as you can. Ideally having every piece with Haste on it is what to aim for but thats usually pretty hard to do lol.

    Also I don't agree with your gemming. Your Helm has +9 SP Socket Bonus there is no reason not to gem for the Bonus. The idea now is anything with more then +5sp as the Socket Bonus you want to Gem for it(so +7sp and +9SP) I know Spirit kind of took a backseat due to T9 bonus not being used any more, but its still good to have it.

    I put together a wow head character sheet with the wow you should gem your gear/setup with what you can get/craft. The Priority for Arcane is Still Spell Power > Haste etc.. As you can see this Setup has a about an extra 100 SP and 37 more Haste.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2010
  7. Magerdps

    In vanilla I was on Illidan (Horde) in the guild Blood Legion, whom you may know just got world first 10man LK. I completed all of MC, BWL, AQ (40 man raids ftw). I didn't raid much in BC; I came back right as Sunwell came out, so I had the opportunity to see only about 50% of BC raids.

    Yes, I have vent and a mic. If you'd like to speak to me in vent or in game you can contact me via e-mail (

    I completely agree with the gear modifications, and once I have 95 frost badges and a sanctified token I'd gladly get the robe, but the fact is that I don't have the badges right now, nor the sanc token.

    As for the legs, buying that much Primordial Saronite is another investment that I simply don't have the resources for at the moment. These are both on my list of things to do, I just simply haven't gotten there yet. Until I get another Sanc mark, I'm saving badges for the 264 waist piece.

    As for the off gem in my headpiece, I honestly don't know why I put that there. I got a lot of the T10.25 rather quickly and it was probably just a midnight misclick. I'll fix it once I get back on.

  8. Swiftzz

    Aug 17, 2009
    Likes Received:
    IT Support Analyst
    Staten Island NY
    If you can't get those legs the ones from Festergut 10 man are pretty good too same with crit/hase 3 gem slots not as much dps obviously but still would give you more haste. The 264 Haste/SP waist is definitely a good upgrade