Nobody can really replace Mel Gibson as Mad Max, just like nobody can replace Arnold as Terminator. Imho new mad max is going to be a second rate movie compared to original.
Agreed. The original was well done and I don't see a need for it to be made. The amount of remakes leads me to believe hollywood is running out of original ideas that they think can draw in a crowd.
Why the hell do they keep doing this. Can't they come up with new ideas? For crying out loud keep the same setting but make a different movie out of it. The reason they always get crap reviews and loose money is because they are trying to top an already solid title. TRY SOMETHING NEW....
I think SOME movies/shows are allowed to be remade to make them edgier and such. But Mad Max was bad ass and sitll is. I dunno why they even bother.
It's funny how now days we get a lot of movies that are "remakes" but the "originals" that we saw are also remakes or from books just like today. Nothing is original just seen through different eyes. On that note: Another mad max is fine. Its not like they didn't make 3 of them before. Who is that? That picture quality is crap.