taking a plane from jacksonville>>> dallas ft worth>>>> los angeles>>>>>>> new Zealand. 27 1/2 hours of flying time.... any packing tips....things to bring....what to watch for....any tips I'd appreciate.
I'm getting to the airport 3 hours early..just to be sure.. oh yea and no lighters..nail clippers...*makes note..clip those nails... I'm going to stop smoking the two months I'm gone..hope it sticks. bringing LOTS of gum and chewy stuffs..
feel free to bring on a 5 inch knife in your carry on(not really but i somehow got away with it by mistake) lol.... hrm for flying on long flights just make sure you have a nice long playlist, cruising alt. is a super smooth ride usually so enjoy
Just listen to some music and take a nap. Eat something... usually movies are shown. Watch em. Think about certain things, how its going to be like and so on. Or just conversate with people around you, perhaps you'll even find new friends. That's what I'm ususally doing and it works out pretty good till now^^
Honestly if you can, only bring one carry on don't bring luggage. Buy clothes when you are out there and leave them there. Security and bag fees are a joke.
once you get past the security buy some food and drinks. For a long flight you will want a lot of bottled water. Candy/gum also works for a nice snack. I brought on some chinese once through my backpack. an ipod is nice and a book.
2 months is a long time to be abroad ... my longest is 2 weeks and I found 1 suitcase and 1 carry on is enough ... My carry on had 1 laptop w/ charger ... 2 ipods w/ 1 charger for both 2 thumb drives with movies 2 magazines 2 packs of gum 2 packs of gummie bears 2 packs of skittles 5000000 + sleeping pills 1 pair of socks 1 pair of underwear 1 pair of pants 1 shirt (clothes are for the just incase incident) 1 suitcase was enough for two weeks i packed for every ocassion ... nice slacks for goin out to a nice place or a club plenty of jeans and shirt some button downs polos etc etc now remember 1 suitcase CAN and WILL be enough ... you can wash your clothes at most hotels these days now that was me my ex for a 2 week vacation overseas ... 3 suitcases 2 carry ons and like one bag full of just makeup WTF!!!
since i have no real advice, i offer you this... If anything goes wrong, do not say "it's okay, my guild told me to do it". If you must find a scapegoat, go with pdog as always.
I would check to be sure your normal AC plugs work. If not you're going to need to pick up some adapters to charge things like your ipod and laptop. You have the option of shipping any luggage to your destinations depending on the cost from the airline for each additional piece. 4 changeovers could mean a lost piece. When packing your clothes do it military style and try to roll as many pieces as possible. Shove things inside shoes and try to maximize your space. Finally check out http://www.tsa.gov/ for info on what's prohibited, sizes of your carry-on, etc. so you can get through as smoothly as possible.
thanks for the tips... I did roll a lot of stuff..t-shirts..jeans..knit shirts. It'll be 40 bucks extra for my baggage..for american airlines..quantus will be no extra charge. If I stay in New zealand Ill have my stuff shipped.. its all in boxes now. That was hard..deciding what is given away or trashed.