Heres a little trick to improve your FPS for your games. yeah you may not believe me but try it out for yourselves. Its an old trick, and helps your FPS lots. Run Windows Media Player Play a song, and put it on repeat Just turn down the volume to 0 if u dont wanna listen. but keep it playing. Play your game, and viola!!! better FPS. 330.3 FPS 264.9 FPS
There is no reason why having WMP running in the background would increase fps... having something running in the background will only hurt your performance. I know from experience that it doesn't work for me. Besides, you are already running at more than 60 fps. Typical LCD monitor has a refresh rate of 60Hz, meaning that it cannot display more than 60 fps. Meanwhile, your eyes cannot distinguish individual frames around 30-40 fps (varies person to person). Anything above that is wasted.
Some games have accidental features that make you run faster if you have a high framerate. Old RPGs or MMORPGs often have that problem. Take a guy with an old 450Mhz PC and let him race a guy with anything recent in terms of systems then the recent PC has characters running at thrice the speed. Games based on the old quake engines appear to have similar features or "magic FPS". So if the screen can't show it, the system can still calculate it, which is lame and which is why there should be hardcoded caps on FPS. EDITEDITEDIT The reason it might improve FPS is because it probably turns off whatever processes the sound even when there is no sound. In oblivion for example, there's a slight performance boost if you turn off music in the oblivion.ini If you turn it off from the in-game menu it will still play music but you won't hear it. Turning it off in the .ini turns it off completely which frees up some power for graphics or other calculations. But the power won by turning off the sound is probably wasted in having WMP running in the background.
WMP and Direct X I heard about this as well, in a thread in the AoC forums. I didn't read too much into the technical reason, but I believe it had something to do with WMP optimizing Direct X performance.
It is to do with WMP optimizing the direct X drivers that all games use. There are other patches to do this without running WMP in the background, if you want to search and download them.
This is a total BS rumor that's been around for years. If there was some simple software trick to improve FPS in games so easily all the game devs would be doing it in the games already. Like any urban legend though, it's almost impossible to kill since there are always a few people who swear it works.
I remember when I had the oold intel laptop cpu that slowed down when not in use. In planetside it allowed me to run twice as fast lol! They put a patch out very soon, but for 3 or 4 days I was able to be in a stealth suit and run faster than any land vehicle.
This may sound odd, does it actually increase the FPS or is it just glitching the FPS output? It could be something odd like the FPS counter is counting both the game's FPS and the WMP FPS.