Applying for position as raider (probate) Armory Link: 1. Discuss your spec(s); did you pick up something outside of normal theorycrafting or have a dual talent spec? I am a cookie cutter Combat Rogue. I was originally Mutilate, but I find that combat, while more complex, has better overall raid opportunities. I have tried other combat specs, but this one has been the recommended one and I can’t find anything that would make it better. My dual spec is still empty. 2. Do you have offspec sets to complement dual spec assignments or even just a trinket change for certain encounters? What stats do you have different for these sets. Not really, Rogue is pretty cut and dry when it comes to speccing and gear. 3. Professions: Do you have raid enhancing professions or gathering ones? What does your profession provide you for raid utility? (Max professions are an important boost to raiding) I am LW and JC, JC being the top profession for raid Rogues and LW being one of the top second professions. JC gives a lot of options when it comes to slot bonuses and caps. LW is just nice to have being a Rogue. 4. How long have you played WoW? List your raiding accomplishments and time played. Raid Experience on "old Mains" included. Started hardcore raiding in WotLK, but I read up on my class and keep a head of the game. I have done all the 3.0 Raids, and have done a number of Ulduar bosses. Even though my experience may seem limited, I am very knowledgable in my class 5. How much do you PvP? Is it a priority of your time playing? I haven’t started PvP yet, waiting for my friend to lvl. Not really a priority for me. 6. How old are you? Maturity and dedication are of utmost importance. 18 is required with limited exceptions. 23 7. Where do you live (state/country) and what is the living arrangement (wife, children, dorm, etc)? NJ, USA. Single about to be graduate college student 8. Current occupation (outside of WoW)? What kind of hours do you put in? N/A 9. What guild and/or server are you coming from and why? What do you expect Xen of Onslaught to provide better? (Make sure to include your old guild or we could confuse it with a guild you have joined). Was in Fallen Angels of Illidan which became Death or Glory, the leaders went on to the Turks so that fell apart so I took a majority of our raiders to Impact. I thought they would be better, but they are unorganized and not as hardcore as I would like. 10. How did you hear about Xen? List any personal references within the guild and expect them to asked about your raiding ability or confirmation of for friend rank. Seen you guys around before, actually decided to check you out on my own, then saw Arizair’s Trade spam. No real references in the guild that I know of. 11. <Xen of Onslaught> strives to maintain a top end raid progression. What and how many consumables do you plan to have in preparation for each raid? Specific amounts and types preferred. Depends on the hours, but at three hours that would be 3 flasks (unless boss is considered ‘farm’) a night. Food is a variable, probably try and have a stack or two for the week. 12. Our raid schedule can include Monday-Thursday from 7:00-11:00 PM CST (Sargeras Server time) with the occasional Sunday raid for progression (and sometimes skipping Tuesdays for farmed content or patch days). What would be your most likely scheduling conflict if any? Currently have a night class on Wednesday, but would at most be an hour late. The class ends in June, after that I would be wide open. 13. Please list any thoughts or concerns you have on the Raid Policy as upon completing this application you will be assumed to understand and agree with them unless stated here. We are always open to considering new ways of doing things. Standard stuff IMO. 14. All classes and specs should submit a wws or screenshot of a damage meter (a 2nd shot of your personal breakdown of attacks is also helpful as it shows your rotation) for dps, tps, and hps. We keep wws reports for 1 month and will use them as a last resort to determine how to help people improve. If one is not available, explain why. See below. I follow closely to for rotation, with slight changes depending on raid synergy. My rotation is as follows: Main cycle is Sinister Strike to 3 CP, Slice and Dice, SS to 5 CP, Rupture, throw in as many 5 CP Eviscerates until SnD has to be refreshed. Killing Spree varies between bosses; For example, on Malygos I would wait until the vortex since KS pulls me out of it. For tank and spank bosses I throw it on cooldown for the most part. Blade Furry is situational, depends if there are adds our not. For tank and spank bosses I just pop it on cooldown. Adrenaline Rush I will use with anything but Killing Spree. 15. Provide a picture of your UI, preferably in Raid combat(at least in a 10-man) and a list addons that you use, so we know you can see those big colored rings of death appearing below your feet. This has a recount on it targeting a mob in OS. Since it is one of the big guys, it is a single target mob so it shows a good idea of what my boss damage would be like. Raid Addons: Bartender4 ButtonFacade CBH Viewport ComboPoints DBM Grid MikScrollingBattleText Omen OmniCC Pitbull Recount RoguePowerBars Titan 16. You are done unless you have any final comments to help out your application. This app may not say much but I am generally the top of the DPS meters. I read + other sites to keep me up to date on my class. I am looking for a more hardcore raiding guild that doesn’t take bs from their raiders about their lack of commitment. I also would like a guild with a solid foundation and structure. I’d prefer a more personal Q&A if you have any further questions.
Updated UI: Added MetaHUD WWS:
as i've talked a lot in game with you about the current setup and you being now a 3rd rogue, when we usually never bring more than 2, you do throw out a lot of dps comparing our laggy night xt kill to your wws. i will trying to see what other officers think about having another melee in the mix and how that change up our raid makeup. it's a shame you didn't finalize your app a week ago when we were basically at the 1 rogue point
I'd be willing to do a 10 man anything with you to prove myself. Also, I don't mind being 3rd Rogue to start. I am willing to compete for my spot. I am confident enough about my abilities that I won't be left behind much.
I've been in a group with the guy and his dps and playing ability is solid. Only thing I would let you know and Arizar would probably agree with me on this is that we need a raider.. not a raider/want to be leader. We are looking for people that when told to do stuff they shutup, follow directions,and execute them. GL on your app
i've not gotten a definitive answer from the other officers on the matter, but i personally have no objections having to join up and compete for your spot. it's up to you, but i will try to get some sort of discussion going on the issue before raid lockouts as i believe you would be a valuable asset to our progression
well, with aetiusx on again off again, there is now a spot. accepted on probation. pst me when you're ready to join. arizair/neptuno/reathei are my toons