Shrug, it's short. You will be done in a couple days unless you really want to grind out tokens for fairly pointless gear in a beta that's supposed to end in a month or less. Really probably better off just playing Free Realms or something you will get about the same kind of experience but more polished and tons more content. I can't really say if its bad or not its not made for me but I don't see how they are going to hold any kid's attention for long with what they got. But alot of their design choices I just kind of winced at and said "really your going to go that way" before shrugging and moving on. But try it for yourself not like it takes all that long to set up. And let me know what you think because lately I have been wondering if it just me out growing MMOs or if they really are as bad as I think they have been for the last few years.
I don't know if it is They have been bad or They have not moved forward. But the MMO market has definitely been flawed. I blame a lot of WoWs continued success on the incompetence of their competitors.