WoW Kuupa's Application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Kuupa, Sep 29, 2016.

  1. Kuupa

    Sep 29, 2016
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    NY, U.S.A
    What is your name, age, and battle tag?:
    Christopher, 29, Inhayzi#1908
    Tell us a bit about yourself.:
    Graphic Designer and Program Developer for a Technology Company, Did a few years of freelancing, also streamed professionally on for 2 years. Love the gym life and staying healthy. Single Father to a little girl. I have an absolute blast gaming with good friends.

    Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Squats and Dumbell Press, Death Note, Tatoo's, etc. etc.
    What is your character's name?:
    Kuupa - Undead - Emerald Dream
    What class and specialization(s) are you applying as?:
    Have you read what the expectations are for joining us?:
    Link your armory page.:
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a working microphone?:
    Can you make raid nights on consistent and reliable basis?:
    Can your computer handle 20+ raid settings without any problems?:
    Can you explain how you get information about your class and theory crafting and / or list any tools or guides you use to optimize your character?:
    Studying latest content on Icey-Veins and similar websites. I then spend time researching and structuring on target dummies and using Skada or Recount to understand rotation value's and alternate talent variations. Next would be prioritizing stats based off of their total value. Agility of course coming first, Followed by a close second and third of Vers and Crit. These values weigh more than the others by (.63) and (.61) scaling ability. While, Haste and Mastery drop down to a range of (.3) to (.4).

    This will dictate my gear goals, Finding best in slot items for Heroics, Mythics, Heroic Raiding, and Mythic Raiding progression.

    Next would be finding a proper map for your artifact weapon. Deciding on which golden dragons are going to give the most improvement, and in what order.

    After that I would start taking a look at wow's global statistics for my class. Seeing what percentile my DPS is falling into on live boss fights. All through this process, sticking close to the other rogues in the guild and talking strategy and helping each other out.

    Working with Guildies is huge for character development, throughout the expansion. Especially when it comes to raiding. Rogues and other mellee' need to be practicing spell interrupt rotations for example. Being on the "same side" as your fellow mele, and working together drastically improves the longevity of the Guild, but also the speed of progression.

    WowHead for lots of looking up and clarifying. etc etc..

    DBM, Recount or Skada, XRoll - for Roll the Bones, and the other standard raiding mods. Each guild has their own specialty and adapting is no concern.
    Link a recent log of a raid you participated in.:
    Not one available, at work atm. (Cleared up to Eye in Emerald Nightmare) raiding in "Rise of Legends"
    Provide a link to a picture of your UI while in combat with a raid boss.:
    Not one available, at work atm.
    Recount your previous guilds that you were a core raider in (up to the last 3) and your reasons for leaving?:
    Voids - vanilla WoW.
    YOU ARE NOT PREPARED - Burning Crusade/Wrath
    Reckless Ambition - Wrath / Cata.

    Reason for leaving WoW: Lost excitement in C ata, Avoided playing during MoP. Came back because of high hopes for Legion. Excited to catch up and raid again.
    Summarize your raiding experience.:
    Hardcore raiding experience in Burning Crusaide. I was able to take part in clearing Black Temple and fighting through Sunwell and having the best time of my life with good friends. That feeling of fun and the aggressive desire to crush new content flowed all through Wrath and up through clearing Naxx, ZG, Ulduar, Argent Tournament, Ice Crown, etc. All on my rogue. Topping charts and carrying kids through legendary content. Throughout this time I also topped PVP charts and rolled heavy into world and guild PVP'ing.... mercilessly.. :D

    Cataclysm just did not excite me anymore and I soon found myself bored with the game. I've come back for every expansion, and Legion has been more exciting than any others as of late. Hanging with other oldschool raiders, and end game players has been one of the best parts of this expansion, for me.

    Raids include:
    25man BC Black Temple, 25man Mount Hyjal, 25man FT Naxx, 25man Ulduar, 25man Ice Crown, Argent Tournament, Thousands of Premade PVP Battleground Raid Leading, Hundreds of 10mans, etc, etc.
    What are you looking for from XoO, and from a guild in general?:
    Looking for a hardcore, well organized, end content raiding guild. I want a solid melee raid leader that works with his or her people. Someone who can study and understand dmg meters for melee, and take into account boss mechanics vs padding numbers. I am looking for a group of peeps that want to chill together and have fun, but also play smart, as a team, and help each other progress faster. Where strategy is part of the conversation, and loot is given equally.

    bla bla... etc etc.. Teamwork. Mythic Progression! Cheers!
    Do you know anyone in the guild that can vouch for you?:
    Splicer - good friend, ran heroics, mythics, mythic+'s with, Grind world quests with.
    Cezzpool the Mage, Nemesis the Demon Hunter, also run with us. They are also applying for the guild.
    Any final comments, thoughts, concerns, or bad puns?:
    Assassination - First 2 Dragons
    Outlaw: - 2 Points away from 2nd Dragon.

    Item Level at 850 - dropped a few points for stat prioritization.

    We have been in a not so great raiding guild since before the expansion. I got a really bad lot in the group, as Outlaw is very RnG based because of Roll the Bones. With lack of consistent top tier dmg. I was glossed over and was never given any raiding gear, putting me a step further behind my mates. With the new Assassination Patch, I have been able to build up my off spec, and am now 2 builds strong. Assassination now topping the mele dps charts is very exciting!

    and in closing.....

    This one is for all the ladies...

    What do you call a pile of cats?

    .... a Meowntain.....
  2. Kuulin
    Veteran CO

    Sep 4, 2008
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    Gas Engineer
    Kansas, U.S.
    Accepted and on trial period.