Kil'Jaeden, the final boss of World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, was defeated last night by the proud members of the XoO Sargeras Division, just a few days before the release of the newest WoW expansion, Wrath of the Lich King, which looks to be a very promising title. This is a large milestone for us to have completed every bit of available content before the release of the next expansion, and hasn't been done before by XoO in any WoW title. Once we arrived at Kil'Jaeden, it took us but a few short nights, and one very long night to meet, learn, and conquer him, and what a ride it was, dealing with this incredibly intense and intricate encounter. Our strong efforts yielded many of us, new and old, our first kill of a final boss of a release. First I would like to thank all of our raiders who actually participated the last few weeks despite the imminent release of Wrath, particularly those of you who stayed up until 1:30 in the morning last night to defeat this beast. Secondly I would like to extend a thousand thank yous to all of the new officers who stepped up after a few of our veterans were burnt out of the game or had otehr real life issues to contend with, and helped to lead the raids, and who took over when school prevented me from attending. Ologhai, Brozo, Gorchild, Vanhelios, Flosser, Accel... you guys rock! Finally I would like to thank Xen of Onslaught for providing us with a great community to be a part of, as well as great support from the founding members, etc. Having the friendship and resources of you guys behind us has been great, and on behalf of all of the members in the Xen Sargeras Division, I thank you! With Wrath coming out in the next few days we look forward to the new conquests that lie before us, and to the new faces and old members that are likely to return. So, as they say, see you in Northrend! Full size image here
Grats everyone! BTW, don't these WoW bosses have normal names? WTF is a Kill'Jaeden? And what's with the apostrophe in the middle? Why Jaeden and not Jackson? Why should we Kill 'a Jaeden? And who is Jaeden and where did he come from? What are the moral implications of Killing' Jaeden?