Kathos - Ret / Prot Pally App

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by Kathos, Jul 6, 2009.

  1. Kathos

    1. Talent spec(s): discuss theorycrafting choices or dual talent spec experience as well as stats for other specs

    My main spec is Ret because im not a huge fan of tanking and healing. Ive tanked and healed in the past and i prefer DPS. That being said, i dont mind building up my dual spec tanking set and have been when possible.

    2. List Professions you have and how they help your raid performance

    Alchemy - Herbalism: Alchemy has in the past been an excellent choice for PvE raiding and was when i chose it for my Pally.

    3. How long have you played WoW and what are your PvE accomplishments (include other toons if needed)?

    I was a beta tester for WoW. I've played most classes. On Sargeras if you have been around a while you might remember me as Kathos the Hunter from Virakar. During Virakars finish of MC and from Start thru Finish of BWL i was the Hunter Class Officer. Im good at what i do. I transfered servers shortly after TBC came out to play with some RL friends (who quit shortly after transfer). While on Eldre'Thalas i rolled a Warlock, Warrior, and Finished out my Rogue. Over the course of 2 years or around there i was a Warrior CO, Warlock CO, and was offered Rogue CO of a small guild but declined. Im a very skilled player, maybe a little rusty.

    4. How much do you PvP and how will it impact raiding?

    I've done the whole PvP thing, not big into it any more. It wont have any impact on raiding.

    5. How old are you? Maturity and dedication are of utmost importance. 18 is required with limited exceptions.

    Im currently 26 years old.

    6. Where do you live (state/country) and what is the living arrangement (wife, children, dorm, etc)?

    Arkansas and i am recently divorced (so i live alone).

    7. Current occupation (outside of WoW) and does it create any scheduling issues with raiding?

    Architectural Drafter. Working with one of Wal-Marts Architects has its ups and downs. In today economy it created job security by having Wal-Mart backing us financially. One draw back is some times i have to work late to meet deadlines. Its not often, but it definitely happens.

    8. What guild and/or server are you coming from and why? What do you expect Xen of Onslaught to provide better? (Make sure to include your old guild or we could confuse it with you joining someone else).

    I come from Virakar. As you know Virakar use to be a major guild on this server. They havent been for quite some time and a few of us tried to get the guild back together. Myself being one that wanted the guild to return to a raiding status. It didnt work out due to lack of interest by a majority of our old core raiders. I am looking for a guild that can match my level of skill and provide me with an opportunity to prove myself in raids.

    9. How did you hear about Xen? List any personal references within the guild and expect them to asked about your raiding ability or confirmation of for friend rank.

    I've been around for a while, so ive crossed paths with XoO members from time to time.

    10. <What and how many consumables do you plan to have in preparation for each raid? What do you do when there is no fish feast?

    I usually have a stack of 10 or more Flask of Endless Rage, along with Crazy Alchemist Pots and a few different kinds of stat food.

    11. Our raid schedule can include Monday-Thursday from 7:00-11:00 PM CST (Sargeras Server time) with the occasional Sunday raid for progression (and sometimes skipping Tuesdays for farmed content or patch days). What would be your most likely scheduling conflict if any?

    Work. Church on Sundays (if i go).

    12. Submit a damage meter of some kind (or healing meter). If one is not available, explain why. (Tanks do dps too so don't use that as an excuse)

    I dont have any on hand because i dont save them.

    13. Provide a picture of your UI, preferably in Raid combat(at least in a 10-man) and a list addons that you use, so we know you can see those big colored rings of death appearing below your feet.


    14. You are done unless you have any final comments to help out your application.Upon completing this application you will be assumed to understand and agree with the raiding policy as posted.

    I give a hell of a reach around.
  2. Neptuno

    Sep 14, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Watching over 150 nukes sitting in the ground
    as i said in game, there are a few issues that collectively give me some cause for concern:

    *14 emblems of conquest with emalon dead on heroic first week and 1 tower FL 10 man early May means you've not put much time in this toon.
    *your level of experience in 10 mans is basically the "easiest" ulduar fights
    *your weapon which you already know about
    *no measure of performance provided.

    also, your spec, which when i pointed out didn't seem to concern you: you have some poorly allocated talent points...

    i won't focus on an offspec, but as the purpose of seeking another ret pally is to provide hard mode damage absorbing via divine sacrifice, you would have to have a different spec anyway. unfortunately, this is where the gear and lack of experience would be a important. in those fights, they are very much dps intensive, and having you spec for them but being low on the dps meters almost negates the benefit... which brings me to my last concern: your performance. we can't tell how much dps you provide, and we have a basically default blizz ui with pally power i think (no omen visible among others)

    now, if you are seeking some 10 man time and wish to look toward 25 more in the future, i don't think that would be a problem, but im going to need the concerns addressed before proceeding (also, having only a couple hundred more ap than a prot pally gemed for expertise is kind of :eek: )
  3. Kathos

    As i told you in game. I know my gear is lacking. I have not been in many good raiding groups and i quit raiding a few months back right after Ulduar came out so thats probably why my gear is at the level it is. Actually at the time i quit raiding it wasnt bad. Im not looking to jump back into the hardest raiding groups around, im looking to start off at where my gear level is. If that be 10 mans then so be it as long as there are 10 mans that are not PuGs because that is what i have been stuck with, hence another reason my gear is at the level it is. My spec is my own. I came up with it after reading around on the internet (specifically www.elitistjerks.com and according to their Ret pally section my spec is right in between core PvE raiding and Ulduar Raiding preferred spec) and i have done quite well with it. When playing in raids w/ people around at my gear level, i can keep up with their dps just fine if not out dps them. If you have a better PvE DPS spec that will increase my DPS then i would be more then willing to give it a try. One last thing, i most certainly have put much time into this toon, as i stated before, i quit raiding for a while and when i was raiding, most of the time our guild did not have the people to do 25's and i absolutely hate running with PuGs. I did well with what i had at hand.

    The ball is in your court. If you can get me in some raids (10's or 25's i dont care really) then i'll prove myself (and my spec). I dont doubt my skill and knowledge as a player, ever. Especially in WoW.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 7, 2009
  4. Neptuno

    Sep 14, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Watching over 150 nukes sitting in the ground
    i commend you on supporting your views. however, ologhai just brought in a candidate with fight experience and gear that you lack and i do not believe that we have the ability to support additional ret paladins at this time. as for the talent tree's, EJ gave me quote below about it. best of luck in your search for a raiding guild.