Highly doubt it. It's been tried before and it failed, domestically. Those things do sell overseas though.
what is sad is that people in the US still buy american cars, think they are reliable, and then bash toyota etc for being foreign cars not supporting the US. blah blah blah hurr hurr im retarded.jpg
this comment is just as narrow minded as the people you are trying to blast. "American" car makers have produced some pretty terrible cars, but they've also made some spectacular vehicles, as well. The same can be said for "foreign" car makers. There are people who buy American made vehicles knowing there are other, cheaper and and equally reliable vehicles available by deliberate choice. They do this out of a sense of patriotism, or because its what they are used to, or they liked the looks/performance, or for piece of mind knowing they will be able to easily source parts and labor for repair. Any one of these are good reasons for picking one car over another. Al least make an attempt to not be so judgmental for what is generally the second most expensive purchase an individual will ever make. When you spend 15-70k on the average vehicle, you ought be allowed to buy whatever the hell makes you happy. Could they have made a better choice? Technically speaking, maybe. But you have a serious set of personal issues if it upsets and actually offends you that you see a few Fords and Chevys at the light instead of all Hondas and BMW's.