Oh yeah!!!!!!!!!!!! Saturday night I pre-ordered Duke Nukem Forever: Balls of Steel Edition. You know you wish you were me . . . Yeah you do . . . Admit it . . .
I feel for those that dont know what it is about this game. Those too young, that missed a really great moment in gaming history. Kids today..hrpphff...have no idea...spoiled little brats with there dx 11..high end PC.. why.. when I was a kid I had to walk 15 miles in the snow to turn in a quest
They should have left this as vaporware. Sorry folks. The new Duke voice actor just sounds cheesey to me and has lost its feel to me. Pax trailer I saw didn't do much for me Like Doctor said, if you missed out on the original - then you're just missin out. I hope the people that get this enjoy it thougj
I'm looking forward to it for sure, just for the novelty more than anything, ill just be renting however.
and you had to flip an album over . . . Fitting . . . and my inspiration for getting the collector's edition. This is pure gold!!!!
This is glorious. That lady needs to be put out of her misery. There are some really worthless human beings out there. I mean this is just hilarious. I miss planet pluto