I remember when i was in vent and heard this topic if this was MMO it would be epic sooo here we go. Link http://www.massively.com/2010/01/20/court-documents-show-bethesdas-mmo-already-underdev-rumor-says/
There already is a multiplayer Elder Scrolls, its called Mortal Online on a serious note, elder scrolls was a pretty cool singleplayer game but I dont know if I would want to play it as an MMO. It feels a bit lacking in the way the camera, combat system, and gear work, not something I would pay $15 a month to play.
At quak-con they said they were not working on an elder scrolls game at that time. Might have started since then...
but all movies are sci-fi. Also there been sci-fi style MMOs and most them didnt do all that well, sure there EvE buts that only space ships and there ST but from what I know they have a long ways to go. RF was the only few MMOs that added Sci-fi to a fantasy style game, you can go say Fantasy is last year all you want and Sci-fi be the next hit but it wont there alot of ppl that would rather shoot lighting or some cool ass attack then shot a laser from a gun. If you havnt notice fantasy is a higher seller on the gaming market then Sci-fi. The MMO to end all MMOs would be sci-fi/fantasy style game if the company does the game right. SWOR isnt more Sci-fi then mix also not sure its going to the greatest as some the stuff they said they adding or doing ALOT of ppl dont agree on
...if they actually did the Daggerfall terrain/world generation thing with a TES MMO... yeah I would play it for sure, just because it would be - as far as I know - effectively unprecedented.
http://massively.joystiq.com/2012/10/22/massivelys-hands-on-with-the-elder-scrolls-online/#continued Sounds like it may not be so bad as people are thinking.
http://www.fohguild.org/forums/mmorpg-general-discussion/31486-elder-scrolls-online.html can scan through here for info, if its out there to read up, it will be on this board at FOH.
The Elder Scrolls Online I might have to check this one out. Coming sometime in 2013. http://elderscrollsonline.com/en/ Video
They are making a Elder Scrolls MMO. I hope they don't end up falling out like SWTOR, but MMORPG.com said that it was looking really good.
Before I was hohum, after that video consider my interest peaked. As always the chance to play RvR is never turned away from.