Whats up guys, Man it's been a WHIIIIIIILE! I used to play Aion with you guys, a few years back. I think it was in one of the beta events I saw the XoO guild tag on somebody. Anyways I was wondering if there is a solid division of XoO's playing TSW cause I totally want in. Feel free to hit me up here or in game. TSW Name: Valenvaryon Thanks a lot! EDIT- (I can't believe I remembered my user name and pass for the forums lol)
Not officially but there are a whole lot of us playing. Check the Other Games section. It probably deserves a prominent forum because there is a lot of activity there right now.
hmmm. Is there a part of the forums that is locked to me? I havn't been active for a couple years. I don't see an "other games" section. Or even a section for any specific game at all.
yeah, that's a member priv. which probably got removed after inactivity or being in 0 usergroups or something like that. You should be able to see your groups at http://www.xoohq.com/forums/profile.php?do=editusergroups . If you do have none that you can turn on to see it, I would send TheBerch a message since I think he's in that game and apply to join that group as well (other games). Should get you fixed.