Hopefully by all you guys know that AmpleGaming is a PC gaming review site done by Gilgamesh. Its job is to make a quick and concise gaming review so you guys will know whether or not you want to purchase the game or not. If you guys haven't, feel free to check out www.amplegaming.wordpress.com We currently have 4 gaming review up right now and they are League of Legend, Bad Company 2, Assassin Creed 2 and Left 4 Dead 2. We plan on having many more reviews in the upcoming month, aiming at one review per week or depending on my school schedule one review every other week. We are also working with cdkeyhouse.com to provide a cdkey giveaway hopefully once a month. The past giveaway we did was Bad Company 2 and Morg (member of XoO if you guys didn't know) won that key. They are also happy to provide AmpleGaming with a 7% percent discount code off of all non-discounted games on www.cdkeyhouse.com (enter "AmpleGaming" in the code discount box when you finalize your purchase and all). Gilgamesh plans on getting XoO members a 10% discount that is only for XoO members, no exceptions. Gilgamesh also plan on buying a batch of cdkeys for games that XoO would be interested in playing and will be sold for a lower price then retail. Half of the funds made from this will be donated to XoO. While the rest will go towards purchasing a domain for AmpleGaming. I am also currently looking for a couple writers to help me with my workload. Feel free to respond to this thread if your interested. Check out www.amplegaming.wordpress.com for monthly giveaways and maybe some major discount on games.
Great stuff guys, I wanted to start up a page of reviews for games (MMO's specifically) at one time. Never got around to it but I do enjoy critiquing so if you guys ever need help please hit me up.
http://img534.imageshack.us/img534/9545/ample.png http://img691.imageshack.us/img691/4083/ample2.png
So I spoke with the guys at cdkeyhouse and instead of 10 percent they are willing to offer 7.5 percent for all Xoo members. PM me for discount code.
Just give me a heads up before you purchase so I can let them know that somebody from xoo is purchasing a key and you guys will get it within 10 minutes or less
Hey Dash do you think you could make a spin off for console games and such, I really would like to write stuff for Resonance of Fate and Final Fantasy XIII and what not.
Well, If you make a website, I can add you as an affiliate...Or maybe you can get with Gilgamesh to do it on Amplegaming. You can always write reviews in our review section as well.
wasn't sure if you were going to do another section for console gamings, but sure whenever I get around to doing a full review.......I get pretty serious when reviewing lol and it could be quite long but hey detailed reviews make or break the game for some folks in terms of whether or not to buy.