This is cool..websites in 3d... as a gaming community..we are all about 3D. demo...Ive already got O3D installed and im trying out the demo websites..including the one in this video.. get it here.. here are more samples..some pretty neat things here.. its a long way from second life....but the web 3.0 is getting closer
o o o omg..this in conjuntion with this inside SL..Ill be able to make some wonderful moving 3d art within a 3d least I think I might be able too using this.. I can make a 3d scene like the above beach scene...then on the surface of the wall in my home in sl...or on the inside of my 100 meter sphere..or on any surface I want, I can then link the webpage to display the image on the wall..or my shirt..or anything..possiblilties are endless . A moving picture wall....or a 3d display in 360 degree field of view insde my shere..oh man i need to get started. EDIT..damn got ahead of myself there...DOH!! I would need the O3D plugin within SL for that to day..soon..itll be in game.