So I saw Inception tonight. Right off the bat let me tell you: it’s a great fucking movie. There are two things that keep it from being OMG TEH BEST MOVIE EVAR, but it’s certainly the best movie so far this year. What rubbed me wrong: 1. I like good pacing. The early parts of the movie lack it. DiCaprio and Page’s characters, specifically, agree to weird and/or dangerous shit way too easily for the sake of timing and plot. It’s understandable given that without them the story doesn’t progress, but it was still annoying… until midway through the flick when everything was awesome and I no longer cared. 2. I like endings. This movie has a decent ending… minus the fact that it leaves you wondering if the ending is actually “the ending.” I’m not talking about an open-ended hint at a sequel or anything, though given the Ocean’s 11-type feel of the plot and how it develops they seemingly could turn this into a franchise, if a decent reason is given why all their respective characters would ever be together again. I mean that the ending is open to interpretation, because of a plot point used to… leave it open to interpretation. Whatever. If you’re going to go to the movies soon, watch Inception. It’s fucking great. Tiny spoiler: Spoiler When the van rolls over and the hallway fight scene begins: do not blink. Watch every second. That scene is BOSS. I actually got to see the flick for free 'cause I won a lil' contest through Twitter from, and the above picture is the swag I got in addition to winning the screening tickets. A mini version of this poster, a shirt, two stacked cups and some propaganda stickers I suppose they’d like me to stick around NYC to provide free advertising. I think I’ll just keep the shirt and the cups.
Ya, DiCaprio is a flawless actor. I'm not saying sh!t until Sokar gives his review. Last time I said a movie got 2-thumbs up, my post was
movies are to be rated by you, no one can tell you that you shouldn't enjoy lol, if someone told me i shouldnt enjoy a movie i did id shove two thumbs up their ass
QFT! Reviews are always bias. Doesn't mean you shouldn't heed the warnings but make up your own mind. Of course if I ever say " DON'T EVER SEE THIS MOVIE!" I'll mean it in every possible way. EDIT: I REALLY WANT TO SEE THIS MOVIE. Leo is one the best actors in the business right now and Nolan is one of the best directors.
You all are making me want to see this movie, le sigh. Me getting excited over a movie this isn't new =p
saw it today. was real good acting by leo as usual. also good acting by "the forger" and the guy who sets shit up. juno wasn't bad herself, but her character is written very flat for the role she plays. i feel like she should've had more depth as a character since she convinces leo to do all this unorthodox shit. as for the action sequences=awesomeness. i saw the making of the movie and all the anti-gravity/movements stuff was performed in actual engineered set-pieces, there was very little CGI. Spoiler i don't know how I felt about the whole dreams=compounded time bit. is this true? because it seems as though you could go either way (e.g. more time or less time). i supppse it could just be acting as a metaphor for "getting lost" in your own world, and that would work too. my friend was saying that he thought they took the idea of "dream layers" too far, and that it diverted his brain from connecting with the characters because he had to constantly reconsider their place in the dream-world. I think that they could've acheived depth by spinning this another way: dreams within dreams don't seem to imply more depth, even for a dreamer... what seems to do so is something more bizarre or complex, something that threatens you or confuses you (e.g. the convoluted past with his wife). eternal sunshine of the spotless mind is a good example of this. in a nutshell i liked the acting a lot, but some of the plot seemed to use redundancy to mimic depth. but again, leo is the focus of the movie and he does that very well. With some of the set pieces and imagery, plus the awesome music, AND the great, realistic action, the movie definitely delivers. three and a quarter stars.
i loved this movie. sure its got flaws, but damn, it reminds me of how much i miss 'smart movies', if nothing else, it deserves to be a hit, if only to help create more smart movies in the future
I saw this yesterday and absolutely loved it. The story is pretty good and either they thought about the entire scenario all to well or had no idea wtf they were doing and it worked I am leaning towards they knew exactly what they were doing though. The action was great and I loved all the actors. I also found the dynamic between ellen page and leo d a little odd but understand why it was done. I think that I will be seeing this movie again I thought it was very cool how things happening in the real world had an impact on the dream state and how they portrayed that.
True... Spoiler I thought it was kinda funny how, when one of the guys had to pee, it was raining in the dream. Whenever I'm asleep and have to pee I actually dream I'm peeing in a public restroom. ook:
Little slow & confusing for the first 30 mins or so, but they did a nice job clearing up the hazy parts and the action picked up. Very deep, but very good also.
Cool flick, will have you thinking about how it all works, even after the flick is done. Always a good sign.
This movie had the same fucking ending as Shattered Island. Two Dicaprio movies I see in a row, two pieces of shit. I should have went with my instincts.
might want to put a spoiler on that Rubius.. And just to be clear, Shutter Island was a Scorsese flick, and Inception is a Nolan flick. DiCaprio has nothing to do with the story of these movies.
I don't think it was that he had to pee but that he was drunk so it led to a "foggy" picture with less clarity. Though it is probably your idea. I really liked the movie though the character development lacked terribly outside of DeCaprio. The only person you felt connected to was him everyone else didn't seem to be easily forgotten etc. Spoiler It didn't bring any intensity to the life threatening situations because I just didn't care if any of them died. The dream levels made perfect sense to me but the whole purgatory thing was kind of weird. We could sit here and pick apart a lot more of the movie but it is still the best one of the year with no glaring flaws outside of character development(which may be on purpose due to certain situations) and gets a 5/5.