Ill wait in line to see this..a long line if need be. out july 16th the trailers..leave you wanting know you want too see this.
Hell yea this movie looks great. Following Shutter Island I am really looking forward to seeing Leonardo Dicaprio perform in this.
Anyone else feel like they were watching a trailer for Constantine? Anyway, definitely going to try to see this in theaters. DiCaprio and Page; respect.
I always look at director first and this is Christopher Nolan (Dir. of Dark Knight). Should be an epic flick.
Its like that one movie with that hot lady that goes into the dudes head to find where he has kept his victim before she drowns and then its like mind fuck! But with leo and a bunch of new actors who aren't as good and a badass director.
The plot of the movie unfolds more like Ocean's 11, except they're placing something inside someone's mind instead of trying to steal a bunch of money.
Or any theatres. Nothing here is known fact from the movie. Cept maybe what moneda said if he even saw it.
THIS IS A SLIGHT UPON MY HONOR. I'd challenge you to pistols at dawn but you've 0wned me enough times already. unch: