Star Citizen ApplicationHow old are you? 31 In-Game Name? imb0r3d Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic? Yes Why did you choose XoO & where did you hear about us?: XoO is my home, I've been here for years and years ever since Guild Wars 1 Previous Gaming Experience: There's so much to list....besides consoles I've primarily played FPS games such as Unreal Tournament, Counter Strike, and much more....currently I'm leading Planetside 2. List what ships you have, mark LTI where applicable: None yet, I haven't paid for anything. What is your preferred role in-game? Fighter Class Pilot (Hornet, 325, Avenger, etc) Gunner (Manned Turret Gunner) Bounty Hunter (Hunt Bounties) Miner (Harvesting/Gathering) Scavenger (Salvage Operations) Localization: NA Do you have a referral? - Activity level? 10 to 15 Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer? Yes