Thought I'd throw up a thread to display some of the things I'm currently working on. Atm, I'm recreating Kayle from League of Legends: It's far from complete, but it's a start! I'll keep you all updated as I progress through this.
Holy Crap, that looks amazing! How long did it take you to get to that point? Poly Count so far? Programs used? How long have you been you been modeling for?
hah hah, thanks man! =] The polycount thus far is 6k although I have yet to optimize it.... I've been doing it as a hobby for close to 12 years now and the main programs I use is photoshop, mudbox, and maya. [edit] I just started a few hours ago, but the body its self is a universal female base mesh i created some time ago. I don't like reinventing the wheel over and over again! =p
Very cool! Do you plan on importing it to play in game? Im working on a Gragas remodel/reskin atm myself.
lol, indeed i am! I plan on calling her Fallen Angel Kayle. After having her wings ripped off, she now walks...
Cool beans, thanks bro! I'm sorta contemplating the idea of creating custom models/skins/animations for everyone that plays lol in our happy family. Of course, they'll all be branded with the xoo symbol...Represent mother fuck'ahs!! This is my first time modding lol, so I guess I shouldn't get too ahead of myself just yet...we'll see after i finish mine. In the mean time, I wouldn't mind you all shooting ideas out to me for your own custom avatars. Make sure you all provide me with plenty of references via googles searches. Things like, color scheme (5 distinct colors max), armor type and style, weapons, et cetera.
They're scattered around, but i'm going through renticletape since he seems to be the only dude that has created an importer/exporter for maya, which is my main tool of choice when it comes to animating. Even though I can import the skeletons into maya, it's still a lot of work to rig them with all of the necessary controls.To put it into perspective, I'm a level designer in essence, but I've been pushing to become a character designer. As it stands right now, from what I've read there's still a bunch of work that needs to be done on exporting custom animations. I have no idea if that'll ever push forward and finalize, but at the very least I can create custom models and skins, I just have to make sure they are properly modeled around the default skeletons so that they animate correctly around riot's default animations. Nevertheless, until I finish this model that i'm working on right now (1 week max), I won't be able to honestly say if I can create custom animations or not....
Im still impressed at the tibers model. That thing is crazy low poly. Im trying to make Gragas into the Ozarka Man. Hell be throwing those blue water cooler bottles. I know you can import the models, change the particle effects, and change the skins but im still not sure how to change the animations.
That's crazy awesome! I'd like to see what you've got done thus far... I think one of the hardest parts that I can imagine right now is correctly syncing the custom animations. If I could some how import the original animations from the game, then I could see more clearly the exact number of frames there are within each individual sequence. Although I guess I could just eyeball it or create a number of recordings at 24 fps and then manually count them from start to finish?
well, my computer kinda shit the bed for a few days!!. For some reason my memory was over heating...yeah and I don't even have it overclocked which makes total no-sense. Anyways, here's a small update: After I get the sculpting mesh down, I'll add all of the fine detail and then FINALLY get to retopologizing it folowed by baking in an occlusion map from which I can colorize into the final texture. Nonetheless, I still have to dick around with creating the rig and figuring out how I can get custom animations into the game...there's no telling when I can make that happen...or if it ever will? bah! [edit[ Oh yeah, the poly count has gone up to 8.5k and I don't imagin it will stop until it reaches 15k since I plan on adding metal wings. Reason I'm adding metal wings is that one would imagin that after having her wings ripped off, she would need SOMETHING to counter-balance her center of gravity? But that's just the sculpting mesh, once it's all detailed, I'm gonna import it into topogun from which it will be retopologized into a 5k mesh..minus the weapon.
I was actually thinking of doing the reverse cleaveage but she doesn't have enough boob for it...hmmm?
Alright, by what seems to be the popular demand, this goes out to all of you horny bastards and lesbian seagulls...reverse cleavage and more boob 4 all!!!!! :drool::drool::drool::drool: I hid the wings since they're totally not done yet...but fret not, they're totally gonna be wicked piss'ah badass! (bostonian accented) OH Oh oh... ...Any criticism would be great since I like to design things that are appealing to all. mmmkay? [edit] Btw, I'm trying to get you all involved with the overall recreation of this toon so that we can embody the superb essence of XoO into it and perhaps any future creations - hence the screenshots of progression... _@: