Anybody have any recommendations of something I can grow that is easy and will grow in bay area weather this time of the year? I just have a sudden desire to grow a plant for fun/decoration in my room and I've never grown anything before. Few other questions: Can I grow a plant inside my house without special lighting? Will it make my room smell weird? Is it true giving plants attention helps them grow? Thanks in advance
Is this for medical purposes? If not get a rubber tree plant..Ive had mine about 12 years now..its too big for indoors now..but nice big green leaves...a waxy shiny look. I could start another cutting of it indoors. I have had another plant for 25 years..Ill find out the name of it.
get one of those small window herb gardens that grow things like oregano and such. They smell good, they can be used later when cooking and don't need much to make them grow. Talking to plants etc has been shown to make them grow better as odd as it seems... I think I even remember seeing tests where people would yell at plants and it would give a negative effect...
I have a little window herb garden and I love it. I grow Cinnamon Basil, Chives, Mint, Oregano, Parsley, Corriander and Sage. All of them are pretty hearty and I can easily add them to anything I cook. Mint is an easy plant to grow and a hard plant to kill. Just be careful, it will try to take over your entire garden.
Haha no it's not, although that was a consideration of mine, but yea I just want something easy to grow as kind of a little side hobby as odd as it seems. Only problem is I don't think I'd ever end up using the herbs because I'm a lousy cook and I'd rather grow 1 big plant than a few small ones, rubber trees are pretty cool though, and I doubt mine will last 12 years so I'll probably be able to keep it inside. =)
Do bonsai trees grow well in the U.S.? That would be perfect, they are small, cool, and I like the uniqueness of them.
Depends on the type of tree that you get. Something hardier , like a juniper, would probably be ok. Something flowering or bearing fruit, would need more care.
I grow Rosemary, and Basil. Since I do a lot of cooking it worked out extremely well since I never had to buy as many herbs and they were always a higher quality.
Bonsai should grow fine...depending on which tree and where grown, but they also need lots of attention. For an easy to grow and low maintenance plant...try Lucky Bamboo . Lucky Bamboo all it really needs is water
Ivy is always a good indoor plant, it does NOT need direct sunlight, uses very little water, looks fairly cool, and lasts a long time. My mother has Ivy plants that I remember from childhood, and I'm 30.
If you want to grow something inside to beautify and as a hobby, I would go with bonsai or orchid. Both should be fine with window light depending on what kind you get, will need to do research with that. Bonsai will be easier to take care of, Orchids are much more fickle but fulfilling.
Um, I don't know much about your living situation, but do you have any pets? There are a lot of plants that are poisonous to cats or dogs.
I think I am going to try a bonsai tree, they take a long time apparently but I just think they are awesome. Edit: I think I might try a lucky bamboo plant as well for something a little more fast paced, they look cool and you can curl them and shape them.