I need a low maintenance way of cooling my i7 core its on its default clocks. I also need a new graphics card preferably of the NVIDIA variety, ill need to be able to play planetside 2 at-least on medium. Be aware im on a budget so a 500 dollar graphic card is out of the question.
Could buy a decent cooler, CM 212 Evo or like a H60 or H80. I'm assuming a lower end 600 series, 660ti or whatever the best of that bunch is currently.
Hyper 212+ (or EVO) cooling performance cant be beat for its price. It will cool a lightly overclocked i7 no problem And that would leave about $450 for a graphics card, so that means just about anything is in your price range. I would look into a GTX 670, but the 660ti is a little bit better value.
First of all it would be nice to know your budget and what psu you got. Second, why you need a cpu cooler for stock clocks? Your default cooler should suffice. Third im with Enigma on Hyper 212+ (or EVO). If 500$ cards are out of the way and ati is no go, then gtx 660ti is you pretty much only choice. Id go for MSI http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127696
If you're not overclocking, don't waste the money and just keep it stock. I support the 660Ti as a pick. What is your actual budget? I would go no less than a 650Ti. Medium graphics on PS2 is easy for graphics cards. If you're looking to save money...get an i5 instead of the i7, i7s (specifically hyperthreadding, which is most of what you're paying for) doesn't help much in gaming.
Oh I just realized I misread the OP when I was skimming it. I thought it said the budget was $500, when it really says he doesnt want to spend that much.
thanks for the suggestions guys, i went with the hyper 221+ and graphics card kinda solved it slef lol.