My team = to columbus.(Blue) this was caught. i'm ashamed of them..... can't they just play.
Thats a disgrace to hockey... I mean, one on one fight is expected in hockey. full bench clearings are just bad. And I'm Canadian, so you know I'm speaking the truth... and the other team looked like they instigated a lot of it as well.
ummmm i myself have been apart of 2 brawls like that one in ice when i was younger and one in roller in my college years ... the problem with this is it turns into a bench brawl as apposed to guys squaring off and going toe to toe with each other it kills the game and makes more people to want to make hockey a "non contact" sport which is wrong ... thats what makes the game great is the fact that a good player can get hit clean and some guy can stick up or he can stick up for himself its things like this thou that can ruin this sport and make it less likely to be a prime time sport (that and its most expensive sport of the big major ones out there to get started to play etc)
was your team in the pink or in the blue? if they were in the pink call a town hall vote to change the color or something and if hocky becomes non contact lets change football (american) to non contact as well dont need manly men getting hurt
It already is. Did you watch the Super Bowl? Roughing the passer, Roughing the holder, Pass interference. It's getting close to no contact.
i hate watching spots cause drunk people yelling at a damn tv then turning up the volumne then yelling louder then turning it up then yelling makes me want to kill them love to play them though, just not watch them
Okay, I'm a big hockey fan, but that was not much of a fight. More like an ice dance. I was expecting the music to start any minute. And those pink jerseys are FAIL. While big brawls like that are justly against the rules, fighting is still an integral part of hockey. Hockey is very physical and emotional, and one-on-one fights are a "pressure valve" for the rest of the team. There is also an unwritten code of honor between combatants that is drilled into them during their career. It's been proven that taking away fighting will cause more cheap shots and resulting injuries.
well, yeah true. i'm just glad my team doesn't have pink ass jerseys.... thats just ugly.. whether it's on a jersey or on a car as i have seen....; pink is just ugly unless your a cute ass girl with a pink shirt on.... and on fire.....
LOL you guys live under a rock? The pink jerseys = WIN--lots of sports teams are doing that these days as a fundraiser for breast cancer research. The pink jerseys are an alternate jersey worn on a specific night for the fundraiser. Seriously, what hetero male doesn't want to save boobs? When you see a sports team wearing pink, salute them for loving tits just as much as you do! As for that fight? Weak, seriously. You have to figure a bunch of the guys in the minor leagues think that the only way they're going to ever move up at all is as an enforcer, since many simply don't have the skills to play at that level otherwise. But that fight's not getting anyone anywhere.
I remember at one of my cities hockey games right off the face off there was a bench clearer for no reason other than we had a rivalry. It was so pointless it took 10 extra minutes for the game to actually start and I think there were 3 other fights that game. So it was a good night This fights sad..Semin, hes got a load of talent. Too bad he can't throw em like a dude, or a person for that matter.
Your Blue Jackets suck too =p But seriously...A good fight can really spark not only a hockey team, but an entire city. The Sabres before this fight were always known for being able to be pushed around. While unfortunately now they are back to being a not-so-physical team...They earned a lot of respect around the league for what they did