Due to THQ's financial troubles, they have put out their own humble bundle. Pay more than $1 and you get: Darksiders Metro 2033 Red Faction Armageddon Company of Heroes Company of Heroes - Opposing Fronts Company of Heroes - Tales of Valor Beat the average price (currently $5.67) and you also get Saints Row The Third
Another forum I'm on has a stickied thread for posters to let everyone else know about any great deals they have found online. Could we make do with a similar thread ?
If you beat the average you also get: - Red Faction: Armageddon Path to War DLC - Titan Quest If you purchased the bundle before those two keys were added, you would have got them even if you didn't beat the average. As of this post you have 6 days, 3 hours left to purchase this bundle.
They have now added Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War. Same deal as the previous bonus content, if you bought the bundle before it was added it will be on the same page as all of your other keys. If not, you now have to beat the average to get it. This is only the first Dawn of War game. It does not include Winter Assault. 1 day 22 hours remaining.