I came across midnight launches for SC2 at Bast Buy and Future Shop I believe and it got me thinking. How many midnight launches have you attended for videogames?? I have only been to one and it was for Halo 2 at EB Games. I got home and found out that my 1st gen xbox couldn't play Halo 2 and I had to go back later in the day to buy a new xbox too. Only ended up costing like $100 for the new at the time crystal xbox. I was pissed it didn't work but glad I got a new xbox
quite a few, but I have an out of the way shop I go to for my pre-orders so the line is around 50 people tops. Also, my sleep rhythm has me tired at around 3-4am so midnight is no biggie
Midnight launches are kind of silly. And if you have a respectable job, you probably wouldn't be able to play it the next night anyway. Of course, if it was something that was uber rare (like maybe a PS2 on launch day), it might be worth it to go and resell it for like a zillion dollars more.
Never been to one, don't think I'll ever start. Late concerts are one thing because you can't just postpone them, but you can always buy a game at a more reasonable hour.
My first one was hm....... not sure heres a few to name Gears of War 2, Forza 3, Split Second, Red Dead Redemption, Final Fantasy XIII, Left 4 Dead 2, Borderlands....might have not sure on this one, Mass Effect 2, Fallout 3, Resonance of Fate, Grand Theft Auto IV................and Fuel Next ones hopefully on my list are a FFXIV collectors midnight, and a Birth by Sleep midnight.
Only the Halo 3 one, and its where I met PDog in real life. I don't normally attend midnight launches, but I had waited too long for Halo 3.