18617. That's how many unique IP Addresses have viewed my FF.net profile in the last 6 years. Roughly 3000 a year. It made me laugh so I figured I'd share. EDIT: Lmao, this wasn't meant for the XoO forums. Oh well, it's posted already now. xD
whats is a FF.net profile....though i think i may not want to know....i dunno knowledge is power i guess?
Most of them are probably bots looking to farm email addy's and search for exploits. I had a private website once that I only gave the IP to a few friends to share files, and it had thousands of unique hits in a month. So don't flatter yourself.
FF.net is where teen girls write about gay sex (because every girl apparently fantasizes about Cloud and Sephiroth), vampires, and suicide.
Well if you're in the FFVII section, sure. But there are some really great fan fictions if you know how to find them. I mean really great.
We have a community based around gaming, this environment is a vacuum of "life", that's a huge part of gaming's intended purpose.
I swear ages ago there was some amateur porn that appeard on /b/ with FF.net, and it was apparently bro and sis.
LOL! I remember that. xD I'm just referring to my fanfiction.net profile. 18k views? I'm not even that great a writer.
I don't remember the whole story and the article has long since been deleted from the FF.net website. But, yes, they were related. I think it had something to do with a hacker. This was when FF.Net was still fairly new.
Was pretty epic, and girl in question was pretty hot. I've always thought of FF.net as some weird incest amateur porn forum since then lol.