I have been up all night watching videos of The Flight of the Conchords, and was inspired by this girl I met last week who had just texted me. I decided to dedicate this song to her and I hope you guys get a kick or two out of it. Home - Umgala/Matt Chandler (A song about a girl I know) [intro] Am - Am - C - G [verse] Am when i stepped up C to the plate with you G i didnt know D what i should do first base came so quickly made second base look so easy (Chords progress the same throughout song) [chorus] tonight i'm gonna try to make it home with you do what i gotta do to get in you and afterwards we'll have a smoke break sit out by the lake and commemorate [interlude] Am - C - D - F x2 [verse] on to third base i contemplate i think its ok to violate do not hesitate allow me to alleviate some of your stress away before we end this date [chorus] tonight i made it home with you did what i had to do to get in you and afterwards we had a smoke break sat out by the lake proceeded to commemorate [outro] I actually could make a mini series of songs about this chick if I get positive reviews. Let me know what you think, and feel free to ask questions.
Very nice too bad i dont know enough about notes to have the music going in my head but I like the lyrics. Hey lev havnt you ever heard of running bases in a relationship? 1st base kissing and all that?
Yeah, but I generally haven't gotten giggly about just sex for quite a few years now. Flight of the concords are amusing because it's sexual humor but this almost sounds like he's trying to be serious. I can't figure out a joke if there is one, anyway.
I imagine that the chord progression has to be done with metal/distortion as you pretty much talk about f**king your girlfriend in it. Could probably have a mini guitar solo in the interlude.
Lev, really man? oh well. It sounds serious when playing/singing it. My cousin and I thought it was funny when I started free styling it a little so I finished it off. To clarify, not a girlfriend. just some girl.
Honestly a serious song with a refrain like this... cant exist when you understand what that is saying. Also considering the chord progression used (which kinda looks like a rock ballad progression, though I dont really know too much depth about progressions), you're either doing a parody or you dont know what you wanted to put behind this. If you're talkin about fu**in some random girl and then sitting on a lake to commemorate it, you need to put it on a fast beat (120+) with at least 2 bars per chord. This leaves it open for some epic shredding in the interlude before the second verse. Do you have sheet music to go with this? I can't lay my finger on a melody that would go with the song.
ha, you guys are trying way too hard. It's simple, easy going and just meant to make you giggle. I guarantee Cox wasn't trying to read that far in to it. I guess you could call it a parody.